UAG’s bid to curb worlds 10th leading cause of death
All over the world, roads are shared by vehicles, pedestriansand other
categories of travelers. The continuing evolution of road infrastructure,
vehicles and means of transportation have uplifted the levels of economic and
social development in many countries. Yet each year, this very development has
proven to be a major cause of increasing vehicle accidents, responsible for the
deaths and injuries of millions all over the world.
Union Assurance General (UAG) has been investing much of their time and
resources in battling this issue which is now identified as the world’s 10th
leading cause of death.
According to statistics an estimated 1.3 million people die each year on the
world’s roads. Road accidents have also been identified as the number one cause
of death among young people between the ages 15 – 29. The Global Status Report
2015 on Road Safety by the World Health Organization entails a broadly conducted
assessment across 178 countries which show that road traffic injuries are
plateauing into aserious public problem.
What is perhaps more disturbing is the fact that low and middle income countries
bear a disproportionate burden of road traffic deaths.
Findings in the study stipulate that 90% of deaths due to road accidents occur
in low and middle income countries relative to their level of motorization,
which only accounts for 54% of the worlds registered vehicles. |