Right of Reply
BOI: No under-age workers
Board of Investment enterprises do not employ under-age workers and the BOI
‘closely monitors’ compliance with Labour laws and standards, the Board says in
a statement to the ‘Sunday Observer’. In response to last week’s Sunday Observer
‘In-Depth’ report titled ‘Are labour laws not for FTZ workers’, the BOI says:
“Firstly, BOI enterprises do not employ under-age workers below the age limit
prescribed by the laws of the county. The Labour Department closely monitors and
implements the compliance of Labour Laws by EPZ enterprises.
“Secondly, a salary of Rs. 14,000 per month, which is comparatively higher than
the minimum rate prescribed by law, is paid to EPZs workers. Workers can
supplement their earning by working overtime at their will complying with the
applicable limits and conditions.
“The BOI Zone authorities do not flout labour laws. Conditions of workers are
maintained by the industrial Relations Department of the BOI. The guidelines
issued by the BOI in this regard are consistent with the Labour Laws of the
country and in many cases even more beneficial to the employees. These are also
acceptable to the International Labour Organisation.
“With regard to workers from the North or any other part of the Island the BOI
welcomes all Sri Lankans regardless of ethnicity or religious beliefs. There is
no discrimination against any community at the EPZs.
“BOI is concerned and has contributed much to enhance the general welfare and
safety of female workers. There is strong security at the EPZ and no undesirable
persons are permitted to enter the Zone premises. Steps have been taken to
improve street lighting in and around EPZs.
“In addition the BOI maintains a daycare centre in KEPZ for the children of Zone
workers.” |