NEW Book
A collection of poems
Poet, author and diplomat H.A. Azeez will launch a book of Tamil poems ‘Aynthu
kandangalin mann’ (Soil from five continents) on May 26 at the Tamil Sangam,
Colombo 6. The book will be released by Prof M.A. Nuhman, who himself is both a
poet and a Tamil literary critic. He will be the guest speaker. A review of the
book will be done by Dr. Sumathy Sivamohan of the University of Peradeniya.
Other literati, who are billed to speak at this event, will approach the poems
contained in the book from different perspectives, such as gender equality,
reconciliation, nature and environment, as well as other thematic facets.
This collection of poems contains poetic expressions of the experiences and
insights gained by the author, H.A. Azeez (real name: A.L.A. Azeez), in the
different regions he had visited over two decades.
The author has met hundreds of people from different walks of life, travelled to
places which are of cultural, historical and geographical significance, and seen
the economic and social conditions of people from abject poverty to blinding
affluence. A common thread binding them all together, that he had seen
‘universally’ in his view is humanity.
He had admired how communities in different countries work towards overcoming
internal contradictions to build better societies, thereby contributing to the
progress of their countries, and people as a whole. Peace building and
reconciliation are the main strands in his poetic fabric, as are the respect for
nature and the environment and the commitment to tolerance, non-violence and
pluralism. The author personally believes in the wisdom of middle path and calls
for a change of mindsets, including through the pursuit of reconciliation
diplomacy at all levels.
There are around 100 poems in the collection, which speak directly or
indirectly, of these varied themes offering personal insights and pointers to a
future of shared progress and prosperity.
Azeez had served in the SLAS as Assistant Government Agent in Kattankudy
briefly, before joining the Sri Lanka Foreign Service more than 25 years ago.
The horrors of violence and terror that had afflicted the people in that area
and in the wider region, as well as his own experience as a victim of terror in
his birthplace, Kalmunai, an eastern town, and the violence of the1980s in the
country had given a unique perspective to his personal and professional life.
Much of it, further enriched by his international exposure and insights gained,
provides the backdrop to some of his poems, arguing for peace and unity.
The author has stressed the theme of gender equality in some of his poems,
manifesting his firm belief that an enlightened, balanced and socially stable
society would be a reality only through the respect for gender, and integration
of gender and promotion of equality both in cultures and policies and programs
of all institutions.
In his long span of career service, Azeez had held various international
positions: he had served as the President of the General Conference of the
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and of the Industrial Development
Board of the UN Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) and Chairman of the
Multilateral Diplomatic Committee in Vienna in 2014. He had been elected the
Chairperson of Working Group A of the Comprehensive Test-Ban Treaty Organisation
in 2013. He also held the position of the Chair of the Group of 77 (G 77) Vienna
Chapter in 2014.
An LL.M degree holder from Tribhuvan University in Kathmandu, Azeez had obtained
the Bachelor of Law from the University of Colombo. He was educated at Al-Bahriya
School and Kalmunai Zahira College, both in Kalmunai. He hopes to have his poems
translated into Sinhala and English. |