Sisira and Gayani excel in BOC meet
Upananda Jayasundera
Kandy special Sports Corre.

Sisira Ekanayake

Gayani Premachandra
Sisira Ekanyake ( Waligamuwa Branch) and Gayani Premachandra ( 2nd City Branch)
won the Best Athletes award at the Banka Of Ceylon Central Province Athletics
Championship concluded recently at the Bogambara grounds recently.
Over 900 athletes men and women from 73 branches in the central province
participated in this annual competition. The meet was held under the patronage
of Palitha Jinasoma Deputy General Manager
(Sales and Cghannels) Nuwara Eliya Cyclones won the championship collecting 360
points while the Matale Angels was placed second with 340 points. Kandy Blasters
won the third place with 325 points. |