HNB's Subordinated Debt rated 'A+(lka) (EXP)'
Fitch Ratings has assigned Hatton National Bank PLC's (HNB) proposed
subordinated debenture issue of up to Rs. 6 billion an expected National
Long-Term Rating of 'A+(lka)(EXP)'.
The debentures, which will have tenors of five and seven years and
carry fixed coupons, will be listed on the Colombo Stock Exchange. HNB
expects to use the proceeds to strengthen its Tier II capital base.
The final rating is subject to the receipt of final documentation
conforming to information already received. The proposed subordinated
debentures are rated one notch below HNB's National Long-Term Rating to
reflect the subordination to senior unsecured debt. The National
Long-Term Rating of HNB reflects its strong domestic franchise,
satisfactory capitalisation and strong performance, which are
counterbalanced by a higher risk appetite as seen in the sustained high
loan growth that has put pressure on its funding and liquidity profile.