About our daughter. She is 30 years, professionally qualified and a Canadian citizen. Sinhala parents in Canada would like to introduce her to a well mannered son. Please email
[email protected]
Academically and Professionally qualified partner, preferably living in the UK, is sought by Govi, Buddhist parents from Colombo for their Daughter. She is a 24 year old, 5’3” tall, pretty Junior Doctor in the UK, who has been brought up with Sinhalese Buddhist Values. Please respond with family details to
[email protected]
Academically and professionally qualifed partner sought by Sinhala Buddhist Govi parents living in Colombo for their pretty daughter 34 years, 5’ 3”, working at a leading International Bank. Reply with horoscope and family details.
Academically and professionally qualified caring partner is sought by BK parents for their fair, pretty MBBS Dr. daughter 5’4’’, 26 yrs, working in New Zealand dual citizen inherits substantial assets, caste immaterial. Please reply with family details and horoscope.
[email protected]
Academically and professionally qualified partner (45-50) preferably in USA or Sri Lanka is sought by parents for their daughter a Scientist US PhD and PR, 45, 5’1” fair very attractive younger looking never married with Buddhist cultural values. Inherits substantial assets. Currently attached to an academic institute in US. Reply with phone number and full details.
[email protected]
Academically and professionally qualified son sought by B/G professional respectable parents for their pretty kind-hearted Science Graduate youngest daughter, 30 yrs. old, 5’2” works in a reputed company and followng her post-graduate studies, willing to migrate. Please reply with family details and horoscope to:
[email protected]
Academically and professionally qualified well mannered Govigama partner below 53 from Colombo suburbs is sought for 46 yrs old, 5’2’’, academically and professionally qualified unmarried fair, pretty, slim and smart really younger looking (like thirties) very pleasant daughter. She is religious kind hearted and nature lover, marriage delayed due to family responsibilities. MBBS Doctors, Engineers, Uni. Lecturers, Specially considered. Please reply with genuine details permanent address land phone number and a copy of horoscope. (Shani 7 Kuja 12).
Academically and professionally qualified, well employed son, brought up with Sri Lankan / Buddhist values is sought by G/B professional parents living in Australia for their MBBS Doctor daughter, brought up with Sri Lankan/Buddhist values. She is 28 years old, 5’3’’ tall, slim, fair and pretty. Studied at a leading Girls’ School. Please respond with family details and horoscope. Malefic horoscope with Kuja in 7 or 8 preferred. E-mail:
[email protected]
Academically professionally qualified groom unmarried or divorcee after short marriage, age 40-46 yrs, from abroad / Locally is sought by G/B respectable parents for very attractive, young looking, never married daughter graduate Scientist employed abroad, drawing high salary, inherits valuable dowry. Willing relocation. Arriving shortly next month.
[email protected]
Academically professionally qualified son under 38 years is sought by Sinhala Roman Catholic parents living in Canada for their post Doctorate daughter 34 years with assets. email:
[email protected]
Academically & professionally qualified NS/TT well mannered partner below 30 years is sought by professional B/G parents living UK for their pretty daughter 5’6” height 26 years Dental Doctor. Reply with family details & horoscope.
[email protected]
Academically & professionally qualified son is sought by Colombo, suburb living, G/B parents for their 31 yrs., tan, slim, 4’11” tall, fun loving youngest daughter currently employed as an Interior Designer in a leading Architectural Company. She will inherit assets, willing to settle down and work abroad. Malefic horoscope. Ravi / Budha / Kuja 1st house. Reply with family details & horoscope.
[email protected]
Academically & professionally qualified son is sought by Matara B/G parents for their daughter born in 1980, 5’ 3”, Software Engineer. Reply with family details & horoscope.
[email protected]
Accomplished son below 37 yrs, sought by Malay parents for their academically qualified well employed 27 yrs, daughter divorced with a 1.5 yrs baby girl. Please reply with full details and contact numbers. E-mail:
[email protected] 011-4848406.
Accomplished suitable partner sought by Buddhist bodhiwansika parents in Kandy for their smart pleasant daughter employed qualified Chef 5’7” tall. 31+ with substantial assets, caste immaterial. Phone 081-2573904, Email:
[email protected]
Affluent G/C Australian citizen parents seek a partner for their daughter 33 years 5’3”. She is a scholar well achieved academic and owns assets. Sound career prospects. Caste religion immaterial.
[email protected]
An academically professionally qualified, N/S and TT marriage partner employed Sri Lanka is sought by G/B parents (father retired senior Bank Executive) in Colombo suburb for their daughter of 35 years, 5’5’’ in height, qualified in IT with BSc, BCS and MSc employed in a private bank. Her earlier marriage was legally dissolved after a very short period, as an innocent party. She owns an upstairs house, in addition to further considerable assets to be inherited. Apply with full details inclusive of a copy of horoscope. E’Mail-
[email protected]
Australian resident B.Sc Science well-employed 38, kind-hearted 5’2”, pleasant daughter, visiting Sri Lanka shortly.
[email protected]
Australia, academically professionally qualified NS/TT, similar caste partner is sought by B/G parents for their daughter, December, 1987, height 5’, fair, pretty, and good charactered BSc, MSc. Software Engineer in Australia, reply with details and horoscope. Email :
[email protected]
A beautiful accomplished, highly qualified, well employed daughter 38 yrs, 5’ 4”, fair, slim, possessing and inheriting substantial assets, professional Govi Buddhist family seeks a good looking academically and professionally qualified son from respectable family. Please write with family details and copy of horoscope.
[email protected]
A good natured kind-hearted son (Buddhists only) sought by B/K respectable mother for Australian qualified Accountant daughter well employed in Australia. Age 35, 5’2”, very kind, honest and well brought-up with traditional Buddhist values. She is very fair, pretty and pleasant. Send all details with copy of the horoscope. She is currently visiting SL.
[email protected]
A kind professional son (preferably doctor, engineer accountant or Phd) sought by Engineer parents (Tamil Hindu / Sinhala Buddhist), for their MBBS doctor daughter, age 30, 5’ 5”, kind, born and brought up with traditional Buddhist values. Recently started working in Sydney, Australia. Younger daughter, PhD Engineering in UK. Kindly reply to
[email protected] with family details. 0112867185.
A respectable business parents in Colombo suburbs seek a suitable Engineer or Doctor who lives in Australia or New Zealand who is under 36 years for their only daughter, 32, 5’ 4”, who is well educated and very pretty. She is very religious too. Both her brothers are in Australia. Please reply with horoscope and family details (non malefic horoscopes only). Email:
[email protected]
A suitable partner, preferably a professional well employed here or abroad is sought for pretty fair, slim, 5’ 4” tall, 1979 October born much younger looking daughter with excellent character, B/G family Colombo suburbs. She studied at a leading Convent, Colombo and is well employed in leading International Airline as a Senior Cabin Services Supervisor drawing very attractive salary. Also owns substantial assets. She is willing to migrate if necessary. Reply with full family details and horoscope. Caste/ religion immaterial. Email:
[email protected]
A well employed partner with sober habits is sought for a qualified English teacher residing in Colombo. Catholic Tamil born in 1976 good looking with a pleasant disposition, 5’5’’ in height. Possesses sufficient assets.
[email protected]
Bodu Govi retired parents seek a suitable educated partner with sober habits for their well mannered pretty daughter born in 1983, 5’4” in height qualified University Graduate works in a Government Sector, she inherits valuable assets. Reply with family details and horoscope Kuja in 7th house.
[email protected]
Buddhist Deva business parents in Kandy seek academically/ professionally qualified decent TT/NS son below 37 with Buddhist values for their fair pretty elder daughter born in 1982 July 5’5” dual citizen hold a PhD in medical research from Monash University Australia. Reply in Sinhala/ English with full family details horoscope and contact number. Email-
[email protected]
Buddhist Govi parents seek professionally qualified established son for 32, 5’4” attractive fair, slim, excellent character Q/A Engineer.
[email protected]
Buddhist, Kandyan, high cast parents seeks academically and professionally qualified partner from a similar family and status for their fair, slim & attractive daughter 25, 5’3”. She had her entire primary education at a leading Buddhist girls school in Kandy. She is presently pursuing her MSc. Reply with family details and horoscope. Email:
[email protected]
Buddhist, T/T, well employed son, living in Sri Lanka, sought for Jan. ‘84 born, 5’3”, slim, fair, good looking, educated daughter by B/S mother (caste immaterial). Owns new luxury vehicle, modern house in Kollupitiya and commercial property. Please reply with horoscope and family details. Email :
[email protected]
B/G Colombo, degree holder Accountant (UK) 37, 5’ 1”, slim, match Rahu 7 Kalasarpa yogaya. Needs horoscope. Tel. 0112637304.
B/G Parents Colombo suburbs seek Academically Professionally qualified kind Son for their slim pretty only Daughter 32+, 5’4”, IT Graduate Cima part-qualified holding MBA, brought-up with Buddhist values. Reply with family details and horoscope non-malefic with Kuja-Shani effect. Age 33-37, never married replies welcome. Email to:
[email protected]
B/G parents from USA is looking for a son living in USA for their daughter, a Lawyer, 26 yrs old, 5’5”. Doctor, Lawyer, Engineer is preferred. Reply with details and horoscope. Email:
[email protected]
B/G parents seeking a suitable partner for their unmarried daughter who is 44, 5’4” fair pretty, she completed diplomas in Montessori and Beauty Culture. She has three storeyed house and runs own school. Please reply with family details and horoscope. Email :
[email protected]
B/G professional parents from Canada (dual citizens) seek an academically and professionally qualified son with Buddhist values for their pretty, slim, fair, 27 years, 5’3” daughter working as a Dentist in Canada. The only brother is a medical doctor. Doctors, Engineers or persons with similar status are preferred. Please reply with full family details. Email:
[email protected]
Catholic parents from Colombo seek an educated partner with sober habits for their pretty graduate daughter who is 26 years of age, height 5’3”, studied at a leading Catholic school. Presently she is working for a multinational company in Colombo. She will inherit a house. Please reply with full details. E-mail:
[email protected]
Colombo Buddhist Durawa parents seek partner for pretty fair daughter 25 years. Accounting degree from Deakin University Australia and pass finalist CPA Australia. Works as an Executive in Investment Company. Father retired Senior Bank Manager.
[email protected]
Colombo Buddhist Govigama retired parents seek a professionally qualified son for their 30 years old, CIMA qualified pleasant daughter. Educated in a leading Girls’ School in Colombo, employed as an Accountant in a reputed company in Colombo. Inherits house from Colombo and substantial assets. Reply with horoscope and family details (Non-malefic horoscope).
Colombo Govi Bodu parents seek suitable partner for their 1974 born Software Engineer daughter 5’3” slim fair pretty living in UK with PR, please reply with contact number.
Colombo Suburb very attractive, fair, slim daughter highly qualified and well employed, looking very much young born in 1973. Inherits wealth worth over 30millon, including a luxury brand new vehicle. Legally separated as innocent party. No children. Professional family. Retired executive B/G parents seek a professional son. Reply with family details and contact number. Email:
[email protected]
Colombo suburbs B/G Parents seek Professionally qualified well employed Son from a respectable Govi Buddhist family for their younger Daughter, aged 28+years, 5’3”, pretty, BSc Graduate (from University of Colombo) with CIM Stage 1, employed as a Mathematics Teacher in an International School. She owns a House in Colombo suburbs. Reply with family details, Horoscope and contact number to
[email protected]
Colombo suburbs, professional parents seek academically and professionally qualified R/C or Buddhist son from a respectable Sinhalese family for their pretty, slim, well educated daughter born in June 1988. 5’ 4” height, BSc, Top CIMA, MFE (Masters of Finance and Economics). Employed at Bank Managers level with high ambitions for future. She inherits valuable house and properties, substantial deposits. Monthly retain about R.250,000/-. Migration not considered. Please reply with full details. Email:
[email protected]
Fair pretty daughter, Lawyer 35 years, completed BSc., LLM, never married, good character, inherits valuable assets. Searching for smart educated partner for early marriage. Caste, religion immaterial. Divorcees with no children considered. Self-replies with photo giving true family details. E-mail :
[email protected]
Govi Bodu Engineer parents from Colombo seek an educated professionally qualified son for their 29 years beautiful daughter B.Sc. and M.Sc. (Electrical Engineering) holder from UCL London, having assets both in London and in Sri Lanka. The only brother is also an Engineer now completing his PhD. Please reply on email :
[email protected]
Govi Buddhist parents in UK seek a Doctor partner, below 36 yrs. above 5’8” for their pretty, MRCP qualified doctor daughter aged 31. Reply with horoscope and family details. Email:
[email protected]
Govi / Buddhist, age 32, 5’4” qualified Accountancy M.Sc, B.Sc - UK. Kuja /Shani 9. 0812223671.
[email protected]
Govi, Buddhist respectable parents seek educated (Doctor, Engineer, Dentist preferred) simple son to be introduced to our daughter, who is 28 years of age, 5’5”. She is MBBS, MRCP UK qualified, graduate Doctor, currently working and studying (speciality training) in UK. Please reply with family details and horoscope. Email:
[email protected]
G/B professional parents in Colombo seek a professional partner below 40yrs, for daughter born 1979, 5’4” medium built, Clinical Research Professional in Melbourne. SL/UK dual citizen with PR in Australia, divorced after a brief marriage. No children.
[email protected]
Highly Respectable G/B Sinhalese parents from the suburbs of Colombo seek academically and professionally qualified well established and well mannered son from the same cast and religion for their daughter 1986, 5’6’’ slim fair attractive. She was educated at a leading girls school in Colombo completed B.Eng honours degree and a masters degree in reputed Universities in the UK. Currently employed as an engineer in Sri.Lanka. She inherits substantial assets a residential property agricultural property car along with other assets. Please reply with full family details and horoscope with contact number.
[email protected]
Kalutara B/K parents seek for their 1981 March born 5’2” pretty, Chartered Accountancy medium stage passed, Business Accountancy Certificate holder daughter with substantial dowry employed in private sector a suitable handsome, educated respectable partner with horoscope. Compatible to Kataka Ma Nekatha. Rahu 1, Kethu 7.
Kandyan Bodu Govi, Canadian citizen parents live in Canada for their only child pretty, slim daughter 1987 August, 5’4’’, grew up with parents. She obtained her BASC and MASC Chemical Engineering from a reputed university in Toronto. At present employed as an Engineering Project Manager. Seek an academically and professionally qualified groom height above 5’6’’, below 32 years. Engineer, MBBS Doctor or any other professional or someone reading for his postgraduate studies. Specially USA and Canada, we prefer Udarata families. Please write with family details and copy of horoscope.
[email protected] TP: 4165569486.
Kandy B/G parents seek a professionally qualified son for 1987 born 5’1” English graduate teacher daughter. Overseas proposals are interested and willing to migrate. Reply with horoscope and family details.
[email protected]
Kandy Deva Buddhist business parents seek academically/ professionally qualified decent TT/NS son below 36 with Buddhist values for their fair pretty youngest daughter born in 1983 August 5’4” double degree holder at Monash University Australia. Please reply in Sinhala/ English with full family details, horoscope and contact number. Email-
[email protected]
Moor mother from Uva seeks a suitable educated partner for her English Graduate Teacher daughter aged 39. She is divorced after a brief marriage. No encumbrances. She is fair and good looking and a reputed teacher working in a leading government school. If interested please email:
[email protected]
Moor parents with moderate religious views are looking for a groom for their well qualified daughter living in the West. She is in her twenties, pretty and smart. Please reply with details to;
[email protected]
Mother seek educated and Professional Buddhist Son below 35 for Daughter 26y, 5’2”, LLB & CIMA qualified working in a Multinational Company. Kuja in 8th House. Reply with horoscope to
[email protected]
Parents from a respectable Sinhala Buddhist family from Colombo seek a well-mannered handsome and professionally qualified son for their 1991 born pretty fair daughter 5’6” who was educated leading school in Colombo and graduated in USA will visit Sri Lanka by end of August. Reply with horoscope and family details.
[email protected]
Parents seek professionally qualified kind-hearted partner for Bodhu Govi 1988 born 5’5” tall fair daughter studied in leading girls’ school in Colombo. Owns a house in Colombo. Only brother UK qualified Engineer.
Parents seek son, professionally qualified under 32 years, for daughter 27, graduate well established in Victoria, Australia. Buddhist Sri Lankan values, light brown, petite, 5’4”, residents in Melbourne, Australia are welcome to respond. Full details with horoscope. Contact numbers.
[email protected]
Professionally qualified partner sought by B/D respectble parents living in Colombo for their daughter 26 years 5’ LLB qualified inherits substantial assets. Please reply with horoscope, family details.
[email protected]
Professionally qualified son is sought from a respectable family for a daughter fair pretty Visakhian inherits assets. 1986 Dec. born 5’ 8”, brought up with Buddhist values reading for PhD in States by established professional Kandyan parents living in Colombo.
[email protected]
Respectable B/K retired parents from Panadura seek Academically, Professionally qualified well mannered Attractive Son for their pretty, slim only Daughter born in 1986 April, 5’4 1/2”,Visakhian, BSc (Foreign University) MSc (Peradeniya), working for a leading Multinational Company as an Executive. Inherits substantial dowry. Please reply (G/K Only) with the horoscope and full details.
Respectable G/B parents seek a partner for their 37, British citizen, pretty, caring, academically / professionally qualified daughter. Currently residing in London. Divorced after a brief unsuccessful marriage, no encumbrances, we are looking for a kind hearted, caring son with a good sense of humor, preferably living in UK. Respond with horoscope and family details to
[email protected]
Respectable Kandyan Govigama Buddhist mother seeks a professionally qualified partner for her academically qualified 36+ daughter smart with sharp features. Not very fair, from same family background.
Respectable Moor family from Colombo living abroad seek a fair tall handsome professionally qualified groom below 30 yrs, preferably living abroad for their only smart, v.fair, slim, pretty 5’6” educated 21 years daughter from a similar background.
Sinhala/ Govigama, highly respected senior Public Servant, father seeks for his only, pretty and English educated, Christian, 35 years old, Academically and professionally qualified daughter, with substantial assets, divorced-Innocent party with no encumbrances. Works as head of Division in a Private bank seeks a partner who is professionally and Academically qualified from a respectable Sinhala/ Christian family, not more than 39 years. Email:
[email protected]
Sinhalese Catholic parents living in Canada seek an educated, kind partner for their Canadian citizen daughter, 33 years old 5’6” height. Owns substantial assets. Preferred Canada, USA or Australia. Please reply with details and contact number to:
[email protected]
Suitable partner is sought by affluent parents living in Dehiwala. B/D Pretty(sudu) Slim 5’8” Daughter born 1978 Dec. Working in Colombo Private Firm as a Manageress with 6 Figure salary. Educated in Colombo. Assets Land, Car, Tea land, Cash & Jewellery. Reply with family details & Horoscope. E-mail:
[email protected] T.P:0115762030
Suitable partner, professionally qualified & well employed is soght for 1982 November born well educated (IT graduate), 5’4” niece with noble character, B/K in Moratuwa, educated in leading girls school in Colombo. Inherits properties. Caste immaterial. Reply with horoscope.
[email protected]
System Engineer B.Eng, MSc 1989/3, 5’ 4”. Only sister, Business Analyst BSc(Maths)/ CIMA 1991/3, 5’ 4”. Both well employed. Respectable family background. B/G inherits property. Invites suitable partners.
[email protected]
Uncle seeks a professionally qualified partner for Management / CIM Graduate daughter reading for MBA 84 May 5’2” medium complexion and on the chubby side employed as a Senior Manager, non-malefic horoscopes only. E-mail :
[email protected]
Western Province - Expatriate loving gentleman is sought to marry and migrate to the same country for age 50, height 5’ beautiful bride, owns fully completed house, cash deposit, and private sector in the computer field. Differences are immaterial. T.P. - 0113129508.
1989-08 Panadura Buddhist Salagama, 5’4” pretty good looking IT Graduate (Govt.), presently Q.A. Engineer at foriegn related company. Parents looking for a well-educated partner from a respectable family. Contact with copy of horoscope and T.P.