A strong NO to ‘Sinhala Only’
Menika sat up and watched with great interest a part of Wednesday’s
TV news on the channel she favours. There was Chandrika Bandaranaike
Kumaratunga, elegant in an orangy yellow sari, her trim hair
distinctively streaked grey. Matching her elegance was her deeply
reflective speech in Committee Room A of the BMICH at the soft launch of
the website for a bilingual/trilingual resources pool.
She was speaking as the Chairperson of the Office of National Unity
and Reconciliation (ONUR). Who better to grace the stage with the likes
of activists like Mano Ganeshan, now Minister of National Languages,
Coexistence and Dialogue?
She said, “Tamil-speaking people had firstly demanded language rights
and the continuing refusal to resolve their primary problem led to
frustration and anger and other discriminatory actions and restricted
opportunities, willingly or unwillingly, snowballed to a point,
culminating in a terrible ruthless war that destroyed the country.
“In most government departments and ministries for a long time we did
not have a single person who could communicate in the Tamil language;
the government is now very serious about facilitating its institutions
to have sufficient officers to work in the Tamil language.”
She added that though this initiative was a small move, it was the
first time in post-independent Sri Lanka that a government had made an
effort to create an enabling environment to allow citizens to
communicate with the government in their language of choice.
Ganeshan spoke stronger on the subject. “Along with all those who
believe that we, in this land, are all Sri Lankans and have our rights,
especially to use a language of preference, to follow a religion and
call ourselves by the race/ethnic group we belong to while recognizing
the equal status of all others.” Menika applauded this initiative as
well as Ms Kumaratunga’s authoritatively-made statements.
We remember that she and her late husband Vijaya Kumaratunga made
several visits to Jaffna to meet Tamil leaders with the aim of averting
the ethnic conflict. She’ll have plenty of loud-mouthed critics who
stupidly consider Sinhala Buddhists as the crème de la crème of the
country. But many in the island are liberal minded, more so those who
grew up in a country that had Ceylonese peoples on parity with each
other racially.
Blame diverted
Of course Ms Kumaratunge had to refer to her father’s ‘Sinhala Only’
policy. She diverted blame from her father by saying: “Although in the
wake of the Official Languages Act of 1956 the government had introduced
corrective measures the following year to ensure the reasonable use of
Tamil, successive administrations failed to implement them.”
However, people who think straight with no bias, lay the blame fair
and square on S. W. R. D. Bandaranaike and his government for the
Sinhala Only Act and consequently igniting the ethnic conflict which
conflagrated due to other reasons such as unfair demands of the Tamils,
who had benefitted disproportionately from the British subtle policy of
‘divide and rule.’
Manuka Wijesinghe’s book
The moment I read the news item about the launch of the website and
what Ms Kumaratunge said in Thursday’s newpaper, I recollected Manuka
Wijesinghe’s 2014 novel titled Sinhala Only.
Yes, it’s a work of fiction and a love story, but within its pages
Manuka most heavily critiques the policy of making Sinhala the language
of supremacy and thus creating horrendous trouble in this originally
peaceful island.
She has 25 characters moving through the pages, inclusive of Hendrik
de Silva, Fatty Molligoda, Beekmeyer, Dharmasena, Holsinger, Lebbe,
Cader, Sunderalingam and Somasundaram among others.
So you get an idea of what her themes are. Into this list on pages
xvi and xvii she throws in Failed Heroes and Heroines - SWRD, Sir John,
Dudley, JR, Dahanayake, Sirima, Rohana. A super potpourri of characters!
In her introduction Wijesinghe states: “This is the drama of ‘Sinhala
Only’ subtitled: ‘The death of pluralism’.”
“This book isn’t about insight. It is about hindsight. It is about
people, not a person. It is about variety, not unitary. … ‘Sinhala Only’
gave birth to rabid ignorance, not to heroes. It transformed multi
lingual frogs who were becoming princes into monolingual frogs, croaking
in the well.
It is in the dire effort to overcome and comprehend the turning pages
of history beyond the well, into which we have linguistically herded
that I have written, not only an island’s history, but an island history
ornamented with the sub continent’s history and remnants of world
history. We are still a part of a larger picture even if we have been
forcibly retarded.… Read the book. Thereafter, let us not bury heroes,
but build bridges together…”
That, Menika strongly feels, is what the present government, with two
liberal ‘heroes’ as leaders, is trying to do. We hope for the day when
we can live together as we did sixty years ago: judging people not by
the language they speak, or the way they dress or, the religion they
follow but, by how good they are, how humane, with all the excellent
qualities we, Sri Lankans, have within us like loyalty to country and
gratitude for what we have, not being demanding all the time.