CERD concerns over military occupation in N&E :
Calls on govt. to move legislation banning hate speech
by Rukshana Rizwie
The UN Committee on Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) in
its concluding observations on Sri Lanka called on the government to
adopt a comprehensive legislation on hate speech to ensure the
prohibition of ideas based on racial superiority and hatred.
"The Committee also recommends that the State party (Sri Lanka)
ensure that its criminal legislation defines racial motivation as an
aggravating circumstance," the report reads. The committee also calls on
the government to enforce legislative provisions to prosecute
perpetrators of hate speech, incitement to violence and hate crimes.
The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) an
independent body of experts who oversees implementation of the
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial
Discrimination made these remarks at the annual International Convention
held this week.
The committee expressed reservations on the Prevention of Terrorism
Act 14 citing that its disproportionality impacts ethnic and
ethno-religious minorities such as Tamils, who have been arbitrarily
arrested and detained under the Act. "The committee recommends the govt.
guarantee detainees the right to due process to challenge their
detention, and ensure that any detainees who are not charged and tried
are released without delay."
The Committee also makes reference to 'Tamils of Indian origin or
plantation Tamils' saying that they continue to face several challenges
including caste based discrimination.
With regard to Internally Displaced People (IDP) the committee says
it is concerned over reports that land is still being held by the
Military in the North and East. |