Siri siri bags and supermarkets
Disposing garbage in Sri Lanka has become a huge issue. Although the
Colombo Municipal Council and the Dehiwela- Mt Lavinia Municipal Council
are trying to educate users to separate bio degradable garbage from
plastics and plastics bags, it is still a difficult task. More so
because supermarkets freely give siri siri bags to customers. Sometimes
two or three siri siri bags are given for a single item.
The state should insist that supermarkets should give goods in bio
degradable wrapping such as newspaper like in the good old days and
request customers to bring their own carrier bags. I think then half the
problem of garbage disposal will be sorted and the public will be aware
that they should carry a bio degradable bag.
These siri siri bags can be seen strewn all over the place and if
these bags fall into a drain, it will clog drains. During the recent
floods it was found that siri siri bags were the main culprits.
A.E. Cooray
Mt Lavinia
Colour confusion
There is a bit of confusion with regard to the colour of notes, among
the public especially pensioners. The colours of the Rs 500 note and Rs
5000 note and the Rs 20 and Rs 100 notes issued by the Central Bank have
caused a certain amount of confusion.
I fell victim on two or three occasions, where I mistook a Rs100 note
for a Rs 20 and on another occasion I mistook A Rs 5000 note for a Rs
500, although the colour shading of the notes are different. A friend of
mine too made a similar mistake.
In the case of the Rs 1000 note, there is no problem at all, as the
green colour is clear. I think the government must take this confusion
into consideration when minting the next quota of notes and print the
notes in clear, bright colours.
B.A. Srini Mendis
Indiscipline in government organisations
The licence of the pilot who was to operate the Sri Lankan flight
from Frankfurt to Colombo on 19/8/2016 was suspended with immediate
effect by the Civil Aviation Authority yesterday.
This incident shows the serious problem of indiscipline in government
Discipline is important in every aspect of life in order to be
successful and free, and it allows one to have power and control in
A disciplined person is free of the chaos that people without that
skill experience. A disciplined person adheres to and abides by certain
rules and norms.
Law and order are fast declining in our society. Therefore internal
lack of discipline in law enforcing organisations is nothing new.
The discipline in the universities has deteriorated to such an extent
that indiscipline tends to become the accepted norm. The students,
teachers and even administration are afflicted with this calamity. The
chaos and anarchy in the universities are evident in the frequent
student clashes and staff student conflicts.
There were news items about indiscipline among footballers. Sports
teaches us to be humble in the victory and determined in defeat. Sports
teaches several other virtues that help to bring out the gentlemen in
We have observed increasing incidence of indiscipline in some
*Indiscipline among politicians is a big problem in Sri Lanka.
Various actions are being taken to control this situation.
*Indiscipline in public service is very common. In any government office
following problems are very common:
*Late arrival of employees
*Not answering letters sent by the public.
*Red tape.
*Favouring friends, relations and political party supporters.
The public have to wait for hours to get a small thing done.
Indiscipline has become a virus in the government service due to
various reasons. Corrupt and selfish senior public officers should take
the major portion of the blame. They always fight for their salaries and
benefits but fail when it comes to work.
They unfortunately forget the fact that they are paid by the people
and they should always look after the rights of the people.
D. Weeratunga