ADB to fuel HNB growth
The Board of Directors of HNB PLC has granted the Asian Development
Bank (ADB) approval to purchase a substantial equity stake in the Bank
through a fresh issue of shares.
Upon securing regulatory approval and shareholder consent at an
Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM), the Bank will issue new ordinary
voting shares worth USD 50 million, thereby enabling ADB take up to 9.9%
equity stake in the Bank with the valuation of each share being based on
the 30-day average trading price immediately preceding the EGM but
restricted to a price band between Rs. 190 - Rs. 220.
HNB's breakthrough partnership with the ADB is anticipated to open up
new business opportunities across multiple areas including SME,
Microfinance, project finance and renewable energy.
Fuelled by this fresh infusion of capital and guided by the ADB's
technical expertise, HNB aims to further strengthen its systems and
As recently outlined by the MD/CEO of HNB Jonathan Alles, HNB is on
its way on an extensive digital transformation journey.
The technical assistance that would be available through this
strategic investment will power a complete transformational process
within the organization.
The capital infusion will support HNB, as it moves towards
implementation of more stringent capital adequacy requirements
stipulated under the BASEL III regulatory framework.
This landmark partnership with the ADB is also anticipated to
significantly raise the profile of HNB on the global stage.
HNB demonstrated success, most recently in relation to the raising of
USD 185 million from multilateral financial institutions including USD
100 million from the ADB.
This strategic partnership will also widen the horizons for inorganic
growth for HNB beyond the shores of Sri Lanka, according to a press
release by HNB.