CCC 'Online polls' on economic issues
The Ceylon Chamber of Commerce has begun to seek the opinion of its
members on crucial economic and business issues via an 'online poll',
thus launching another medium, it will use in the future to engage with
members and other stakeholders.
The latest move has already been launched via the CCC website and
will also be promoted via the social media platform and also dispatched
to the email addresses and mobile phones of members, thus paving the way
for a quick feedback on crucial issues affecting businesses.
The Chamber as its first 'Online Poll,' has launched a survey to
ascertain the opinion of members and the interested stakeholders on 'Why
Sri Lanka's exports are declining'.
The ongoing poll forwards six possible reasons, which might be
causing the downfall of local exports and voters can choose one or more
of the given 'reasons' which they think are causing the steady slide in
local exports during the past one and half decades.
Among the possible reasons given in the poll for this alarming slide
in exports are, lack of innovation and new products, limited entry into
the growing markets, lack of preferential trade agreements, weak demand
in key export markets, lack of government support and rising cost of