China Merchants wins Global Port Operator of the Year award
The role played by China Merchants Port Holdings (CMPH) in the
development of the Port of Colombo into a leading transhipment hub in
South Asia was among the factors in the company being adjudged Port
Operator the Year at the Lloyd's List 2016 Global Awards presented in
London last month.

Director, Group Marketing and Commercial Department of China
Merchants Port Holdings, Catherine Chow and General Manager,
Commercial and Marketing of CICT, Tissa Wickramasinghe
(second and third from left respectively) with Christian
Blauert, CEO of Yilport Holdings. |
"The judges were impressed with CMPorts' customer-focused expansion
and myriad innovative developments and investments ranging from 'smart
port' performance programs to the development of Colombo into a leading
transhipment hub in South Asia," a Lloyds official said.
China Merchants Port Holdings, CEO Ray Ren said, "This award,
adjudicated by an independent panel of eminent international
personalities from the maritime industry, is a noteworthy validation of
the role CICT has played in the growth of the Port of Colombo."
"The company operates 72 terminals around the world, none of which
are in any form of competition with the Port of Colombo. Most of these
terminals are considerably larger than the Colombo South Terminal," he
In recognition of the contribution of the Colombo South Terminal of
the Port of Colombo in securing the award for CMPH, CICT's General
Manager, Commercial and Marketing Tissa Wickramasinghe was invited to be
one of the two CMPH representatives to accept the award.