International Research Symposium on ‘Valuation of Forest Ecosystems’
The ‘International Research Symposium on Valuation of Forest
Ecosystems and their Services’ is a ground-breaking symposium organised
and spearheaded by the Ministry of Mahaweli Development and Environment
– with the support of the Sri Lanka UN-REDD Programme, and the Forest
Department. The event is to be held on October 18, at the BMICH in
Colombo and is part of the Sri Lanka NEXT: ‘A Blue - Green Era’
Conference and Exhibition, to be held from October 17-19 at the same
Since rapid economic development is one of the main priorities of the
Government of Sri Lanka, it is inevitable that the demand for land would
increase with time. Therefore, there is a need to understand the many
services the forest ecosystems provide, both tangible (timber, wood
fuel, food items) and intangible (fresh air and water, soil conservation
etc.) while attempting to value these services. If such economic
valuations are not done by researchers, and scientific data not
considered when justifying the need for forest conservation, policy
makers would by default make decisions that can be detrimental to
society. Consequently, there is an urgent need to strengthen the
science-policy interface on conservation of forest biodiversity and
ecosystem services for their sustainable development leading to
long-term human well-being.
“Many consider forests as a waste of land, where utilizing that same
terrain for other purposes can bring prosperity to society and
contribute to the national economy. But forests provide other services,
such as, being the source of fresh water and clean air. Losing these
services will result in costly alternatives that can be valued
economically,” claims Conservator General of Forests Anura Sathurusinghe,
who also serves as National Program Director of the Sri Lanka UN-REDD
For more information contact Thilal Nanayakkara 0777362801