Doreen Vitarana :
Humane qualities that brightened many lives
It’s a year since the passing away of my mother-in-law, Doreen Esmee
Vitarana, on 8 September 2015.
Every human being is unique in his or her own way. And, there are a
very few whose lives will impact the lives of others. When such people
touch our lives we are blessed because their positive influence is
permanent. My mother-in-law was one such gracious and admirable human
being. Her love and company will be missed forever.
Our hearts are full of affection, gratitude, appreciation and honour
for her. She was a beloved wife, a caring mother, a lovable grandmother
and a good friend to all.
Born to Joseph and Freeda Ranasinghe, she had two elder sisters
Sheila and Renee. She began her education at Holy Family Convent and
completed at St. Bridget’s Convent, Colombo. She married my
father-in-law, Nihal Vitarana and was a great support to him when he
worked at SriLankan and in Dubai for 17 years.
During her children’s schooling, she lived in Colombo ensuring that
the household ran smoothly. Mindful of her three children’s education,
she remained in Sri Lanka to ensure they were well cared for. Whenever
possible, she would travel to Dubai to be with her husband. However,
when the children completed their studies, she spent more time in Dubai
supporting my father-in-law. Both, family and friends in Colombo and in
Dubai adored her. Her culinary skills were excellent. She was an
accomplished cook and a great host, a hallmark of her character. One who
visits her home in Colpetty or in Dubai would never return without
tasting her mouthwatering meal while enjoying her company.
Though she was the youngest of the three sisters, she performed the
role of the matriarch. She hosted family for birthdays and other
functions and most importantly she hosted the Christmas dinner for the
extended family, for years.
It was an event no one wished to miss. She was a devout Catholic who
went for Mass every Sunday, but never imposed anyone with her beliefs.
She practised compassion towards other beings, to the last letter.
Everyone felt welcome in her home and there wasn’t a single day that
she didn’t greet one with her infectious and charming smile, glittering
eyes and lovable personality. She had an admirable ability to relate
both to the young, and the not so young, and the affluent, as well as
the not so affluent. If one had a personal issue they would confide in
“Aunty Do” as she was better known, and were assured of valuable advice
and a strong hand of support.
She was also adventurous, having travelled to all continents, her
most memorable being the overland camping trip with her husband. They
travelled through many countries in Europe, the Middle East and Asia,
and also the infamous Khyber Pass. The memories of this trip, she
cherished forever. She was a good pianist and enjoyed classical music
and opera. As members of the Colombo Symphony Orchestra, she and my
father-in-law seldom missed a performance, a practice they continued for
years. They had a wide circle of friends some of whom were much younger,
but loved their company. My father-in-law was an ardent cricket fan and
watching the game with him, she developed a rare knowledge of the game.
She was also an excellent seamstress but mostly enjoyed crocheting.
There was never a moment when she lay idle, in good health or otherwise.
Over the years, she kept in touch with her sewing group and her old
Bridgeteen friends whom she met monthly.
Her life was rich and complete. A life not measured by material
comforts, but the human qualities she shared with others brightened many
lives. We are honoured to be part of her family.
Mummy, we miss you so much, but you will remain in our hearts
Nilam Jayasinghe
P.S.Pandian :
A rich legacy of traditions
P.S.Pandian of Hotel Pandian, Chennai, passed away on 26 June 2016,
at the age of 84. Mr. Pandian was a former Director of St. Anthony’s
Hardware Stores and Cyntex Textiles of Colombo and its allied
industries. He was the brother-in-law of the late A.Y.S. Gnanam,
business tycoon of St. Anthony’s Hardware. He was married to Mary
Rajamma, of the erstwhile illustrious family of the Rajamonies of
Welihena, Kochchikade, Negombo.
Mrs. Mary Rajammah Pandian predeceased him in 2010. They had four
children (two boys and 2 girls) Pandian and Rajammah, were made for each
other and with their siblings they were a close knit family.
The Pandians used to arrange annual pilgrimages with members of their
families to the Madhu and Talawila churches. They also had annual family
get-togethers during the Christmas season. Their home was a haven for
their kith and kin from far and near, and they were great entertainers.
Both were philanthropists, barring ethnicity, class or status. They were
staunch Anglican Christians and regular church-goers.
They migrated to India for the sake of their children’s education.
Mr. Pandian established the landmark ‘Hotel Pandian’ in Chennai in
Egmore which is patronised by Sri Lankans as well as others. Their
children were all professionals, married and well established in life.
The two sons Mohanraj and Manoraj were groomed by their father in Hotel
Management and have taken over the reins of their father’s business.
Mrs. Rajammah Pandian was a tower of strength to Mr. Pandian. Both
attended the famous St. George’s cathedral in Chennai and contributed
immensely for the uplift of many.
Mr and Mrs Pandian, being the most senior members in their families,
were the decision makers in family affairs and models to the others.
Mr.Pandian settled down to a quiet life after the demise of his wife
Rajammah, but was a regular at his hotel to guide the sons.
As per the Bible, Man’s years on earth spans for three scores and ten
(60+10=70) years and Mr. Pandian lived up to 84 years with no regrets,
and the extra 14 years were truly God’s blessings. The massive crowd of
friends, relatives and well-wishers at his funeral is testimony to this
great personality’s prowess!
Mr. Pandian (my co-brother), was a legend, leaving a rich legacy
behind holding on to high traditions of his family and pleasant memories
for generations to come.
“Eternal rest grant unto him Oh! Lord, let light perpetually shine on
him, may he rest in peace.”
Kingsley Durairaj