No extravagance at CNH anniversary

Deputy Director General, Colombo National Hospital, Dr. Anil
Jasinghe and Chief Accountant of Colombo National Hospital
K.A. Sisira Ranjan display the cheque for Rs. 6.5 m. while
Dr. Ramya Premaratne and other staffers look on.
Transparency, one of the key elements of Good Governance was
displayed when Rs. 6.5 m. which was unutilised during Colombo National
Hospitals's 150th anniversary celebration was handed over to the
National Health Fund.
The monies were collected by the Fund Raising Committee of the
Colombo National Hospital to celebrate the 150th Anniversary. The total
collection was Rs. 8.5 million out of which the hospital authorities
spent only Rs. 2 m. for the celebration, thus saving Rs. 6.5 m.
This money will be utilised to develop the Colombo National Hospital.
Around 21 members including S.A.Parakrama, N. Bandara, Namal
Jayasinghe, Lal Fernando served in the Committee.
- Nadira