Monthly Theatre Chat House:
An Evening of Theatre Appreciation
Namel Malini Punchi Theatre has initiated a monthly program of
Theatre Discussions of Dramas of the past, the present, and of the new
productions, in all three languages, Sinhala, Tamil and English.
The first of this, program takes place on Tuesday 11th of October
with Dr. Jayalath Manorathne's newest production of Handa Nihanda at
Namel Malini Punchi Theatre. Appreciation Discussion will be presided
and moderated by Kuruvta Bandara, while Dilshan Boange and Namel
Weeramuni initiate the discussion. All those interested are welcome.
Namel Malini Punchi Theatre's aim is to encourage the audiences to
adopt for a good and serious theatre culture; and captivate the students
of theatre curriculums in schools and Universities to provide a wider
and better knowledge and education in the field of theatre. It's a pity
that only a minute proportion of the society realizes that theatre is a
very serious and disciplining mode available in a civilized society,
which the politicians in our country are ignorant and deftly daft. Only
a few understand that it's also a convincing religious approach which
can civilize, calm down, and discipline the unripe human minds.