Delon the
that icon of that Guy in a Tub
Soaking away in a weekly newspaper.
Kenny was his World
He'd write he's weekly woes
His name,
Liyanage Raine Delon Weerasinghe.
I forgot Perera-well it comes after Delon.
This guy's an actor, playwright, TV producer and director.
Just 24 years old
he schooled at St. T.
Lets take a look
how this guy came to be.
Of acting he says,
he started out in school
acting in a "Gang Show"
which he describes as "Cool".
He was 10 or 12
he can't exactly say,
but from then on young Delon
was set to act in plays.
Of writing Del says
he used to hate it in school,
he'd write a whole lot of rubbish
making up his own facts,
for very factual essays
and even fill science papers
with crap.
His passion for writing however, emerged
once starting his "Kenny"-it really stirred.
So putting two things he now loved
acting and writing together,
Delon became a playwright at the end of his tether.
What's he done recently?
Delon answers "On the net,
I've been involved in a play
in which with nine others together, web.
A play of our own
in which we did our own scenes,
its being put together at the moment"
Delon says with a grin.
The theme of the play-Water
Being given many interpretations.
Del says "Each of us is so different
how we see things is unique
This is what can be seen in the play"
Which will be broadcast on BBC*
As a playwright Del sighs,
"Its hard to make a break"
Productions are costly
Sponsors hardly
Directors messy
Discouragement plenty.
"What's most annoying about it all"
Del says shaking his fist,
"Is that the people look down at anything local
applauding what comes from abroad instead".
TV producing, Del says
it is his job.
He does the camera work
The producing
and at times directing.
The director part in Del
also works outside the screen,
Directing school plays
Girls and boys,
"Girls however" he says
"are much more interesting"
"Working with boys is easy
They do what you tell them to do,
With girls it's far more complicated
you have to first win their trust through.
In a way its like having a relationship
you've got to work really hard,
face a whole lot of questions
and show you can do the job".
*BBC Radio