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Sunday, 29 June 2003  
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Mihintalava - The Birthplace of Sri Lankan Buddhist Civilization

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A centre of national unity since early Arab settlements

- Alhaj A. H. M. Azwer, M.P., Minister of Parliamentary Affairs

In the Fifteenth Century, Devinuwara was one of the flourishing cities in the island. Other noteworthy parts were Beruvala, Bentota, Galle, Valigama. Beruvala, noted earlier, was perhaps the most prosperous. It was a busy settlement of Muslim merchants with many beautiful mansions and large, "permanent" shops. (R. A. L. H. Gunawardana in Sri Lanka and the Silk Road of the Sea).

The ‘Hakeem Villa’ - birthplace of Markars - which still stands as a monument to the family of physicians from Beruwela. Even the Maldivian royalty of yore used to visit this place for treatment.

Historians of repute, both local and foreign, have always noted that Beruwela was indeed a prosperous city with its flourishing port. Indeed it was this port, situated 56 kilometres south of the capital Colombo, which brought the city its fame and prosperity.

It was no surprise that Beruwela assumed such a significant position, as it is located at the centre of the ancient sea route between the East and the West, alongside other port cities such as Colombo and Galle. According to reliable historical records, the Arabs landed in Beruwela even before the advent of Islam which was in the 6th Century A. D. After they embraced Islam, the Islamic tradition and culture too found its way into ancient Ceylon through Beruwela, paving the way for the Sinhala Kings to establish a strong bond with the Islamic world.

W. J. M. Lokubandara, who is the present Minister of Justice, Law Reform and National Integration and Leader of the House and a respected scholar of Buddhist history, says that the teachings of Buddhism too inspired the ancient kings to seek knowledge and understanding of other cultures. He says that the 'ehipassika' (come and see) formula, which is much valued by Buddhists, eschews the condemnation of other religions, and deserves close scrutiny and understanding.

He also adds that, presumably, it was this open-minded view that influenced King Agrabodhi to send a Sri Lankan delegation to Iraq, by way of the Silk Routes, for the purpose of making a study of the doctrine of the Prophet. Such lines of contact must have influenced the Arab traveller Ibn Batuta to come to Sri Lanka to seek out the sacred Samantakuta Mountain, 'just forty leagues from paradise'.

Identified with the 'footprints that kindled the faith of those who came from the Middle East, while the famous gem fields in the area offered an enticing commodity to merchants from that region, thus satisfying the demands of both religion and commerce (in Sri Lanka and the Silk Road of the Sea).

Beruwela, according to some historians derived in name from two Sinhala words, viz. Be (lower) and Ruwala (sail), which denotes the place where the sails of the Arab merchant vessels were lowered. However another version traces the name to the famed North African (Berber) traveller Abu Yusuf al-Barbari, who is believed to have introduced Islam to the Maldivians.

First Muslim Ladies’ School in Sri Lanka. Al-Fasiyathul Nasriya Muslim Balika Maha Vidyalaya, situated close to the original landing place of the Arab merchants.

In fact, Arabs called this place as Berberyn. Berr..Berr.. which means to stop or pause. When the early Arab settlers arrived by sea and on sighting a tiny islet, they, overcame with joy, cried out "Berr..Berr" to their oarsmen of the catamarans to stop. This island call Berberyn still adds picturesque atmosphere to the environs of the area in the sea, almost facing Al-Fasiyathum Nasriya Muslim Girls' Vidyalaya, the first Muslim school set up in the island, thereby Beruwela assuming prominence in yet another domain, i.e. pioneering Muslim female education at the very spot where their forefathers landed.

Royal physicians

A significant contribution of the Arabs in Sri Lanka, the Unani medicine system, found its way to this country through Beruwela. Tradition has it that in the 10th Century, Prince Jamal-ud-din, the son of the Sultan of Konya (in Asia Minor) arrived here and practised Unani medicine.

According to Dr. C. G. Uragoda, Unani physicians at first transmitted their medical knowledge orally to members of their own families. Later, information was written down in Tamil language in Arabic script, and kept within the family. Many of the medicinal plants found in the Kandyan areas and used in Ayurveda began to be employed in the Unani system too, Unani drugs were brought to the country by trading vessels coming from Arabia and the Persian Gulf. These drugs consisted of mainly syrups, which contained ingredients such as rose petals, grapes, dates and musk. Many local constituents were also made use of.

Many Unani physicians have had the honour to serve the Kings in the palace as well. For instance, Muhandiram Mohamed Odeyar who belonged to the famous Behethge clan, served as a physician to the Kandyan Kings.

Hakeem villa

Although the Unani medical practice has declined significantly in Sri Lanka, quite a number of them could still be found practising in various parts of the country, including in Beruwela. The grandfather of former Speaker, Deshamanya Alhaj M. A. Bakeer Markar was an established Unani physician of the area. Muslims use the term 'Hakeem' when referring to a physician, which means literally a person of wisdom in Arabic. In Beruwela, the 'Hakeem Villa', still stands as a monument to this family of physicians.

Beruwela's contribution to the cultural diversity and racial amity is un-paralleled in the history of Sri Lanka, from the period of the original Arab settlements to the present day where the Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims and others lived in harmony. The Arab traders were inspired by the Islamic teaching of fairness in business dealings, as taught by the Holy Prophet Muhammed (Sal), Who was a trader himself when He received the Revelation from God Almighty. The Holy Quran too commands the faithful to "Give full measure when you measure, and weigh with a balance that is straight: That is better and fairer in the final determination" (17:35). It was due to nurturing such traditions that the locals developed an immense trust in them.

In an era when there was no banking system the Sinhalese used to deposit their jewellery and other items with village Muslims, when they leave their houses and go on Negam. Upon arrival they will receive their valuables correctly and safely. Even the jewelleries were always purchased from the Moors by the wealthy Sinhalese.

Beruwela was also a citadel of Islamic art, which is evident by the beautiful ancient Mosques that are built in the area. The sight of the Kechchimalai Mosque along the coast has always been a treat to the weary traveller. The Muslim travellers never fail to stop at this place to refresh themselves physically as well as spiritually.


The precious stones from the 'Gem City' Ratnapura, found their way to Beruwela where they traded hands. It was a valuable source of foreign exchange for Sri Lanka for a long period of time. The great philanthropist of Beruwela, Alhaj M. I. M. Naleem, who rose to prominence through the gem trade, contributed much for the development of Islamic culture and tradition, the founding of the Islamic Institute, Jamiya Naleemiya being one of them, following the footsteps of his distinguished immediate predecessors.

When the Portuguese first arrived in Ceylon in the early 6th Century, Muslims have already developed to an indigenous lot developing their own and unique identity, with a mixture of Arab, Sinhalese and Tamil blood. Tamil had gradually replaced Arabic as their language of communication, largely due to their interaction with the South Indian Muslim Traders.

The usage of Arabic-Tamil (Arabu-Thamil) in which poems were composed eulogising the lives of the Holy Prophet, His companions and the famous Saints of Islam was prevalent among them. Even today, many Muslim families are seen sitting together in a circle, signing these poems in a rhythmic tone. This practice has served as an important tool to inculcate Islamic values among Muslim children for centuries.

The Muslims were also equally adept in Sinhala, a trend that continues unabated to this day, although English too is used among a bulk of the present generation. For the Portuguese however, the Muslims have always been 'Moors,' who ruled Spain for eight hundred years between the 7th and 15th Century A.D. It is this reference that came here to stay and is used by the Sri Lankan Muslims.


Beruwela has also produced a Muslim Ruler by the name of Vathimi Raja who reigned in Kurunegala for a brief period during the 14th Century. He was the son of Buvanekabahu I, by a Muslim spouse from Beruwela. He is still remembered by the people of Kurunegala as Vathimi Deiyo or Gale Bandara Deiyo. There is also a Vattimirajapura housing scheme, which was fittingly opened by the late Alhaj M. A. Bakeer Markar and appropriately named in remembrance of the King Vathimi.

As destined, when he was the Speaker, Alhaj M. A. Bakeer Markar too was the Acting Head of State for a brief period in 1981, when President J. R. Jayewardene and Prime Minister R. Premadasa left for England to attend the wedding ceremony of Prince Charles and Princess Diana.

Bard of Beruwela

The tradition of racial integration and linguistic ability nurtured by the early Muslim still flourishes from this area.

It is most commendable that Imthiaz Bakeer Markar issued a postage stamp on 08th June 2003 to commemorate the first Muslim Mosque of Ceylon, the Masjidul Abraar, which is situated in the Maradana area of Beruwela. This Masjid was built in the year 920 AD by the Arab traders in conjunction with 'Meelad-un-Nabi', the birthday of Holy Prophet Mohammed. Under the guidance and leadership of the elder Bakeer Markar, the Mosque was rebuilt restoring its pristine glory - magnificently designed by that eminent architect W. J. Neil Alles of Surti & Alles Chartered Architects.

The names of Alhaj S. M. A. Hameed and M. N. A. Haniffa (popularly known as 'Haniffa Baas') are also forever remembered for their valuable contribution in renovating the Mosque.

A significant feature of the event was the declaration of this Mosque a place of historic significant and a cultural heritage by the Minister of Human Resources, Education and Cultural Affairs, Dr. Karunasena Kodithuwakku.

It is very significant that, this is the first time in the history of our country that place of Islamic culture and heritage has been declared as a national monument.

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