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Sunday, 31 August 2003  
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Sense of normalcy prevails today - Thamilchelvan

Excerpts of address by LTTE Political Wing Leader S. P. Thamilchelvan to a group of Asian social and Catholic religious activists in Kilinochchi on August 17 on the eve of his departure for Paris for the LTTE consultation there. This is a simultaneous translation from the Tamil.

At the historic meeting with global media (L to R) Political Wing Leader S. P. Thamilchelvan, Idealogue Anton Balasingham and LTTE Supremo Velupillai Pirbakaran.

It is a rare privilege and we welcome you on behalf of our national leader and the Tamil people. We are very thankful for the visit of a large number of clergy including clergy from other countries coming here. It shows that the international community is very interested in the search for peace.

We are very concerned and our commitment for peace is equally strong as yours. It is essential to find out why a nation has to look for peace. Circumstances led us into a struggle. From the time of Independence, Tamils agitated and struggled for a dignified peace with justice.

We realised that it involved violence, which we abhor, and we wanted to evade that path but it was thrust upon us and made us depend on it. Our leaders and people had been presenting our case in the most democratic manner through our representatives in Parliament. But the Governments responded with violence. And as a nation we had to take up weapons to defend ourselves.

From time to time we wanted to enter into meaningful dialogue but successive governments ignored it.

Our people are strong. Their weapon was non-violence. There was massive genocide and ultimately we decided to arm ourselves to redeem our people. It is good that you all understand that we never looked for war. But circumstances made us take up arms in defence.

Because of the commitment of our people to fight, we have been recognized as a nation withstanding State violence. Today we yearn for Peace with dignity and for meaningful settlement.

All that we ask for is to allow us to live here where we have lived for centuries, without a sense of subjugation. This is all what we ask. We reiterate that we are peace lovers. There has been an effort made to show to the world that we are a band of terrorists. You have seen for yourselves the condition of life of our people. They live without their basic needs. Thus we are struggling for justice. Once you have seen this, you will agree that we are not a band of terrorists but freedom fighters.

Today we sit with contentment as we have raised our voice. Our National identity was lost as refugees and the international community was not listening to us. But, today, we are able to see all the people seeking peace. This is a nation of people determined to carry on their fight for freedom and justice.

We had to pay a big price. We lost 80,000 people. A big sacrifice. The fact is that we had to put up with such a heavy price to be recognized as fighters for freedom. We do not fight against any nation. We do not wish to abrogate the rights of other nations. We want to live in peace and unity with all people here.

You are aware that after the war we entered into a process, for a negotiated settlement - for a ceasefire and it helped us save our lives. Today people move freely and there is a sense of normalcy. But we have more to achieve.

We have suspended talks for sometime now. Let us have a close look at the MOU. A ceasefire is not confined to a silencing of the guns. The MOU urges that a sense of normalcy be created alleviating suffering and that we move towards a political settlement. To ensure the resettlement of people who were displaced internally and externally for two decades denying them their livelihood, we give them the opportunity and the ingredient to settle down in their natural surroundings, unite with their people and let them begin to live their life again.

The MOU documents are transparent. The facts were made public. People were made to feel that the time has come to restart their lives. Normalcy was the priority in alleviating their grievances.

But after 18 months have passed with six rounds of talks, people have found that they were unable to draw on the meaningful dividends of Peace. It has not reached the people. Normalcy has not come to all people.

It is true that we have kept away from the talks and at the same time we have contacts with the facilitators. We are ready to restart. Steps should be taken to attend to the needs of the people. It should offer something tangible. We have given that opportunity. There is a process.

We, as a whole, are committed to work towards peace through negotiations. We fought for our freedom. Now we remain firm. The political process is a power game. People become victims. The Ordinary Sinhala masses are not racial, but the war has made them look so. They yearn for peace. They are not against giving recognition to the Tamil nation. They too want a solution to the problem.

We know your interest for peace. You are a group of people committed to peace. We decided to open our hearts believing that you will judge us. We are asking that we be allowed to go home, I mean one's national habitat. We are a civilized nation. We ask freedom for life and movement. That is all we ask you. You all have to be the judges. We are confident that we have delivered the right message.

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