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Importance of de-worming

Have you seen your pet eating grass? Be it a dog or cat, sometimes pets tend to eat grass and vomit it. You know your pet is sick, but are unable to figure out what the illness is. Well, today Dr. D.A.U. Samankumara B.V.Sc, of Kirindiwela Animal Clinic will describe the importance of de-worming animals. What he has to say may provide the answers to many of your questions.

Parasitic infections can be divided into two categories; internal parasites and external parasites. Today we will focus on internal parasites. This too can be categorised into three groups; roundworms (nematodes), tapeworms (cestodes) and flukes (Trematodes). Both cats and dogs have worms belonging to these three categories. It is vital to de-worm your pet to have a healthy pet with a perfect coat.

Worms in pets can easily get into our bodies as well. Many pet owners too get sick following worm infections in pets. So, de-worming is essential for the well-being of the pet as well as you.

Roundworm infections are considered as the most common illness. Most puppies can acquire 'toxocara', a common type of roundworm, prenatally (even before they are born). This roundworm is zoonotic (can easily get into humans). When infected eggs of toxocara are swallowed by humans, the larvae migrate to various parts of the body. This, in rare instances results in unilateral impairment of vision (one side is affected). Therefore, routine worming of puppies from an early age is essential.

Heart, blood, legs, skin and eyes are the most common places where your pet will have worms. But how can you know whether your loving pet friend is infected with worms? Well .. it's not that difficult, according to Dr. Samankumara. Poor appetite, skin problems and chronic (continuous) diarrhoea with blood and mucus are some of the common signs of worms.

Heart worms are another common type. Remember, we wanted to know the reason behind cats and dogs eating grass and vomiting it? Well...the reason is heart worms. When your pet is infected with this type of worms, it tends to eat grass. Grasping cough, small cysts under the abdomen area and wet eyes are also signs of heart worms.

Never de-worm a pregnant cat or dog. If there is a necessity, always consult your veterinary surgeon. A pet with poor health conditions should not be de-wormed.

Never provide a lower dose when de-worming. For example, the amount of medication depends on the size and weight of your pet. For smaller pets such as cats and Pomeranians, one tablet(100mg) will be sufficient. Large pets such as German Shepherds or Dobermanns will require two to three de-worming tablets.

For such animals, when you provide less than what is required, the medication will not be strong enough to kill the worms. When this continues over a certain time, worms inside your pet's body will develop resistance to medication. What happens next is that when your pet gets sick again, you will not be able to de-worm it.

Never continue the same medicine over a long period of time. This will also result in resistance for medication by worms.

Try different types of medication with different genetic names. If you are unable to de-worm your pet orally, vaccines are available. You can inquire from your veterinary surgeon about these.

Let's look at some other types of worms commonly found in our pets. 'Toxocara Kanis' (discussed earlier) is a roundworm. It is 8cm-18cm long. 'Ancylos toma' is a hookworm that can be easily found in soil. Never clean your dog kennel without footwear. Because, if this worm gets into your body through your feet, it can lead to many serious illnesses.

'Taenia', 'Chinococcus' and 'Dipylidum Capium' are three common types of tapeworms. Chinococcus can be found in both humans and mammals. Dipylidum Capium worms are common in pets with external parasites such as ticks.

Never feed your pet raw meat. Proper disposal of pet discharge and cleaning of kennels are some important ways to get rid of worms.


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