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Sunday, 30 October 2005  
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The spirit of unity

Students of the Overseas School of Colombo were all ready for an important event in their school calendar. Students dressed in vibrant national costumes had flocked to the school veranda with flags in their hands. They were ready to celebrate the United Nations Day.

At the Overseas School of Colombo, United Nations Day is a major event. The day is used to celebrate the cultural diversity of the many communities represented at the school. Students in the Overseas School represent more than 40 countries. The major student groups, British 16 per cent, Sri Lankan 13 per cent and United States 11 per cent leave 60 per cent of the student body to be true ambassadors of the world. This diversity is the main reason behind the celebration of UN Day.

The day began with the parade of flags of different countries with the students entering the gymnasium in groups, wearing their respective national dresses. This was followed by the traditional lamp lighting ceremony and a minute's silence for the victims of the recent natural disasters around the globe.

The enthusiastic parent group had worked with their children to perform songs and dances from countries such as Sweden, Japan, China, the United States, and the Netherlands. A group of Latin American parents proved that parents are not boring, by presenting a medley of Latin American dances, which was a hit, especially with the students. It was fitting that the final performance was the Pooja Dance, performed by high school students representing Sri Lanka.

The finale was the Peace Chain in which the entire school, representing different communities linked hands to form a human chain around the soccer field, surrounding the flags of the world. Over 500 participants were linked together in unity and peace.

Secretary General of the Colombo Model United Nations (COMUN), Stefanie Zammit addressed the gathering. As leader of COMUN, Zammit highlighted that Unity in Diversity is possible and is exemplified by the visions and actions of youth. COMUN is held in March every year and is the fifth largest Model United Nations gathering in the world with over 500 delegates; some coming to Colombo from as far as China.

Parents commented after the celebrations that it had been a memorable day which showcased the nature of the school. They said that they were proud to be a part of such a unified and international outlook.

One parent from Sweden, new to the school (the child starting school only this year) said; "We try to celebrate UN Day at home, but this - this is what it really is!"


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