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Sunday, 30 October 2005  
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Good meal choices for 'Veggie' followers

First of all, see if you can make a meat-free version of some of the dishes that you are already familiar with. Dishes like lasagna, pizza, and enchiladas all taste great without meat, so if you're used to making these dishes with ground beef, pepperoni, or chicken, you can simply make the recipe as is without meat, or add soy meat-like products like tofu to the dish instead. This way, a vegetarian meal won't be so overwhelming, especially if you've just stopped eating meat.

You should also purchase a cookbook or two that is just for the veggie lifestyle, so that you can come up with different meal ideas quite often. Don't forget to be patient with yourself; it takes time for most people to get used to not eating a meal with meat every day, and your body may reject the change if you try to alter your eating habits too quickly.

Even if you've been a veggie for years, you may want to make a list of some of your favorite foods, as well as dishes that you don't try as often to keep your meals interesting and enjoyable. Try to have a themed dinner at least once a week, so that you can try different types of ethnic foods that taste great without meat.

If you are a vegan vegetarian and want to find ways to make great tasting food without using animal products, visit some specialty food stores in your area to purchase special ingredients. For many baked dishes, you can use banana or soy milk to replace milk, or applesauce to reduce the sugar content in your desserts. There are vegan cookbooks available online and in bookstores as well, so if you run out of ideas, you can refer to the websites for vegans for more tips on making great veggie food.

The main concern that vegans and vegetarians have is getting enough nutrients in a day. This is definitely possible with a veggie diet, but you'll need to know what food you should eat every day to stay the healthiest. It's been proven the vegetarians don't get enough of the vitamin B12 in their diets, so you may want to purchase a vitamin supplement, since B12 is necessary for healthy blood circulation and heart health.

Vegans may want to take a daily multivitamin, in order to regulate the body, especially if making the switch from eating meat to becoming vegan. Vegetarians who are becoming vegans may not have to worry about this as much; continuing to make sure that there are enough proteins and carbohydrates in the diet by consuming lots of leafy green vegetables, potatoes, and fresh fruit will definitely help to make this dietary transition smoother.

Living a veggie or vegan lifestyle may also present problems digesting milk products, which may happen if you're eating out or having dinner at someone else's home. If you're considering becoming vegan, try taking lactase (which is used to treat lactose intolerance), and monitor how you feel before making the dietary change to determine how fast you should make the switch.

Veggie diet followers should also increase the intake of iron and Vitamin A, which can be found in foods like carrots and sweet potatoes, and can even prevent eye problems and birth defects in children.

Nut and vegetable loaf


1 small carrot, chopped

1 stalk celery, chopped

1 tablespoon tomato puree

225g/8 oz tomatoes, skinned and chopped

2 eggs

1 tablespoon chopped parsley

salt to taste

freshly ground black pepper

225g/8 oz nuts, finely chopped

1 small onion chopped


Melt the butter in a pan; add the onion, carrot and celery and cook until softened. Add the tomato paste and tomatoes and cook for 5 minutes.

Put the eggs, parsley and salt and pepper to taste in a bowl and beat well. Stir in the nuts and vegetables.

Transfer to a greased 900ml/1 1/2pint/3 3/4 cup oven-proof dish, place in preheated hot oven (220C/425F) and bake for 30 to 35 minutes.

Turn out and garnish with onion rings, parsley, and cucumber slices.

Serve hot with vegetables and sauce, or cold with salad.

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