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Sunday, 7 May 2006  
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Withdrawal symptoms

The Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission (SLMM) having withdrawn the observation that the Sri Lankan forces are guilty of extra judicial killings, has brought back some legitimacy for itself. But, its now beyond any reasonable doubt that the SLMM overstepped its mandate, and began to look more like a insecure class monitor than a responsible unit with a mandate for making crisp and unambiguous judgements.

The Sri Lankan government felt bitten by a watchdog of its own creation when the SLMM made that brusque "extra judicial" observation. On top of all its problems, the government now has to be on a mission impossible to monitor the monitor, if that kind of phraseology is to be allowed to describe the contretemps.

By allowing for a change of tune subsequent to its first pronouncement about "extra judicial killings" the SLMM has sacrificed credibility. This, as a result gives a whole cache of ammunition for those who have often, even unjustly, claimed that the SLMM was irresponsible and partisan.

More galling is the fact that the LTTE has lashed out at the monitor, which means that the SLMM has played into the hands of their agitation and propaganda machine that has been waiting for just that break, to scream "unjust unfair and unbelievable."

Its blunderbuss-like, this fluid process of decision making from an organisation that's essentially Nordic, and that's particularly absurd, considering that Norway was toying with the idea of getting involved in a freshly minted peace process, that of Nepal.

Now its beyond clear that Norway will not go-between Nepal's war making factions, but Norway's role as a peacemaker at large was re-registered with the news that floated around - correct or wrong - that Norway was flirting with the idea of opening up a peacemaking branch office in Kathmandu.

This is no anti Norway diatribe considering that the Norwegian peace mission has acknowledged and corrected its unfair comment on extra judicial killings by Sri Lankan forces in the immediate aftermath of the suicide attack on the army commander.

It's an immediate refurbishing of image, with a possible makeover in terms of its media and public relations unit that the essentially Nordic run SLMM should angle towards. SLMM routines should not involve being brought into any peace secretariat for a pep talk, and a caning on the rump.

Norway should reserve the slapstick for occasions when Solheim meets the press and tries to lighten up proceedings with some dry Norwegian wit.

Its also not just credibility straining but also a bit odd, to state it by way of understatement, to hear the SLMM make a statement on extra judicial killings when 19 in 20 interviews granted by the SLMM spokespersons have taken up the position that the SLMM cannot easily determine ceasefire violations by the LTTE for the simple reason that there is a lack of evidence.

Circumspection of that order goes by the board, however, and the SLMM makes a bull-in-the-China-shop pronouncement about extra judicial killings. This statement, the SLMM chief now says, was a "hot potato" for the government. (See our interview in this newspaper today.) He is candid, and for that we need to give the gentleman full marks.

His parsing of words to explain the situation wants to make us empathise for the gentleman. He does have a thankless job, considering that he could be lambasted by either side for whatever he says.

But, that's the job description. No quarter asked for or given, and the Norwegians got into this headfirst, making it clear they hold the hot potato in the form of the entire SLMM mandate.

The trick should be to ventilate the grievances of both parties, and cool things down.

There is no dropping the hot potato that the Norwegians are holding onto, but talking of "cultural considerations" after the event to explain away the volatile reactions of one party or the other to the ceasefire, sounds a beginner's game.

It doesn't behove Norway's image as the world's number one force in the valuable pastime of fishing around for peace.

No bull, this Vesak

Buddha Jayanthi celebrations are not on top shelf display on this occasion; there is observation more than display. Canines get a reprieve for a start, with the CMC not going for the cull.

The display of red meat has been banned, on presidential directive. Those who are not carnivorous do not have to be revolted on sight of meat hanging on hook. These are not gestures towards a more animal friendly society, they are tangible actions, even though it may be argued by some that a carcass is a carcass, and hanged for display or not, that the animal has been butchered.

But, there is more than nicety this Vesak, and that's a challenge to the busy city dweller who may have forgotten that beef comes from a dead cow, and whose sons and daughters may think that cows grow on trees, because they have never seen one in the concrete jungles or the macadam. This Vesak therefore is a back to basics one.

It's a fair challenge to those who have been swayed by mercenary considerations to make religion a symbol of status. Bernard Shaw said that his vegetarianism will guarantee that there will be at least a procession of three cows at his funeral.

The Buddha didn't resort to tongue in cheek, but his words would resonate more than those of Shaw, when this Vesak dawns.

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