Solemn thoughts - The Enlightenment
The mind of the Blessed one
Relaxed in peace serene
The darkness faded
The full moon and stars appeared
The Buddha slipped into deep meditation
Passing beyond human understanding
seeing the world as it is
Not as it appears or man sees
Like an eagle soaring
Effortlessly towards the sun in glory,
Mind moving upward and onward
Saw he his former lives
His round of births, with good and evil deeds
With gains and lapses enjoyed and suffered
He saw beings born repeatedly
To die of their Karma accordingly
His vision became crystal dear
The ignorance of call being far and near
Clinging to worthless things, to them clear
His when desire dies and illusions end
Will ignorance vanish like the wind
The sun of Enlightenment, will shine only then,
The Lord understood the world and its suffering
Craving and desire eradicated
The Buddha, in wisdom was perfected!
As without fuel a fire's gone
Attained He, Nirvana, - Never to be born,
This conquest he gained for all
In brilliance bathed
Of wisdom and truth
Sat the Buddha - a heavenly sight,
Around Him the world lay calm and bright
Nibbana won, earth pana was lit,
A soft breeze' lifted the leaves
Of the Bodhi Tree -
Filled with compassion and free
In deep contemplation
And lost in Bliss
In perfect peace, - was the first Buddhist
The Lord Enlightened!
Mallika Kannangara, Ratmalana