FCCISL and NCASL to train personnel in construction industry
The Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Sri Lanka (FCCISL)
and the National Construction Association of Sri Lanka (NCASL) will
intensify their cooperation in the field of vocational training for the
construction industry personnel. NCASL chairman H. K. Dharmadasa, and
FCCISL president Nawaz Rajabdeen, signed the MoU at a ceremony recently.
After the tsunami of December 2004 and the ensuing need for
reconstruction, the construction industry of Sri Lanka is facing a
severe shortage of skilled personnel and lacks around 40,000 trained
The NCASL and FCCISL project, a private-sector initiative aims to
overcome this shortage by training staff as well as upgrading unskilled
personnel. Apart from that, the training centres will cater to
tsunami-affected entrepreneurs and young people from tsunami-affected
The first centre in the Kalutara district is currently under
construction. The second centre will be set up in Ampara and the third
in a new location.
Under the MoU the two parties agreed to set up a joint Board of
Management (BoM) comprising a representative from the NCASL and
Chairman, Representative of FCCISL as the co-chairman, Representative of
NCASL Member, Project Director, Back to Business Project of FCCISL -
Member and Resident Project Director of Handwerkskammer, Koblenz,
Germany - Member. In the case of the Centre in Kalutara the Chief
Incumbent of the Sri Nandana Maha Pirivena and Sri Pushparamaya will
serve as the Chief Advisor of the Board of Management.
One of the key tasks of the Board of Management is to adopt
strategies to make all Centres sustainable. The BoM will draw its
expertise from both organisations as well as Germany's Handwerkskammer
(Chamber of Skilled Crafts) Koblenz. The board of management will be in
charge of setting up and managing training centres for
construction-related crafts such as masonry, carpentry, welding and
electric wiring.
Funds for the centres are provided by the Governments of the
Netherlands, Germany, the German State of Rheinland-Pfalz and
Handwerkskammer Koblenz.
Bandula Hennadige, Snr. Program Officer of the Royal Netherlands
Embassy and other representatives from the partner organisations, Peter
Rechmann of Chamber Development Project - Handwerkskammer Koblenz,
Kosala Wickramanayake, Snr. Vice President, Tissa Jayaweera, Vice
President, Samantha Abeywickrama, Secretary General of FCCISL, Sam
Stembo, Project Director, Back to Business Project-FCCISL, M. Jayamanna,
Secretary and Saliya Kaluarachchi, Director of NCASL were also present.