12 SLI Sales Agents qualify to attend MDRT
The annual sales awards to honour top-performers of Sri Lanka
Insurance (SLI) was held at the Colombo Hilton. Chairman D.H.S.
Jayawardena and the Board of Directors of Sri Lanka Insurance
participated. More than 650 agents and organisers attended this year's
Sri Lanka Insurance presented 372 awards to top performers who
achieved predetermined levels of premium income from both Life and
General Insurance business sectors.
The presentation was based on a two round selection process, which
recognised Insurance professionals. (Field Sales Staff-Organisers and
Agents) for excellence in sales General and Life Insurance business
sectors. The 'Top-3' Organisers and Agents from each of Sri Lanka
Insurance branch offices were selected. In the second-round the 'Best
Organiser-Life Insurance (All island), the Best Agent-Life and the Best
Agent-General Insurance business were selected. The second round
rewarded four top sales performers (Organisers and Agents) being
honoured for their sales performances in Life and General Insurance
business sectors.
The winners of the first round (Agents and Organisers) received cash
prizes and a certificate highlighting their excellent sales performance
at a branch level. The second round winners received air-tickets, cash
prizes, gold sovereigns and a special award highlighting their
outstanding performance in sales.
Commending the staff and agents on their exceptional performance,
Chairman S. Jayawardena, said 'The last year has proved to be an
exceptional year for us; we have done extremely well compared to
previous years.
This is mainly due to the dedication and hard work of our agents and
organisers, who have excelled in their performance. We are a financially
stable organisation and that is one of our strengths. As a successful
company we also plan to bring about a certain standard for Insurance
agents in the country and create an avenue of social acceptance. We plan
to send our agents on many overseas training programs, and provide them
with an opportunity to gain international exposure'.
The highlight of the evening was the presentation of winners for the
Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT), the elite forum of the world's life
insurance professionals which will be held in USA. Twelve of Sri Lanka
Insurance sales agents received this prestigious award, marking a
historical achievement within the company.
Among the twelve winners to receive this award were K. Paramasamy
(Colombo branch), W.W.P. Wijayaratnam (Jaffna branch), G.T. Senarathna (Matara
branch), N.G.D. Nisshanka (Colombo branch), V. Nandakumar (Jaffna
branch), A. Sivakantha (Jaffna branch), B.M.N.K. Bandaranayake (Kandy
branch), N. Suppiah (Anuradhapura branch), P.R. De Silva (Ambalangoda
branch), M.M.S.K. Nawaratne (Kandy branch), C.M. Arasaratnam (Batticalo
branch) and M.S. Gunaratnam (Vavuniya branch).