'I will not apologise to Ranil' - Mahinda Wijesekara
I will not apologise to the UNP leaderRanil Wickremesinghe because I
have not breached party discipline to seek reforms. Even if I am taken
back, I will continue to seek reforms, UNP MP Mahinda Wijesekara
observed. In an interview with the Sunday Observer staffer Jayantha Sri
Nissanka, he urged the UNP leader to take action against persons who are
responsible for the UNP defeat at the last Presidential Election and
Local Polls.
Q: Your court case against UNP leader Ranil Wickremesinghe was
dismissed. How do you plan your political future now?
A: Though my case was thrown out, I have enough points to appeal.
After that many asked me to talk to Ranil, but I did not talk to him
because I have not done any wrong to the party. When the leader says
that my services are not required, why should I talk to him. Asking
reforms for the UNP is not a violation of party rules. Thereafter, Ranil
sent messages through S. B. Dissanayake, G. L. Pieris, Rajitha, Ravi and
M. H. Mohamed to meet him. So, I met him and explained that the party
was losing every election since 1994 and we need urgent reforms to win
future elections. I told him that I have nothing personal against him. I
also told him, if you think that I am a useless fellow and a saboteur,
not to take me back. Even if you take me back I will continue my
struggle for reforms, I said. Recently Ven. Sobitha Thera also spoke to
me. I did not want to appeal because the leader is going to take me
Q: Some members in the party want you to apologise and settle your
problems with Wickremesinghe. Why can't you come to a compromise with
your leader?
A: I will never apologise because I have not breached party
discipline. I have not personally accused Ranil. I voiced for the
betterment of the party. If politicians and journalists cannot face
criticism, they are not fit to be in that profession. The Leader accused
me that as a result of my statements, the UNP lost many votes at the
last Local Government election. But I told him that because of my
statements I was able to keep our supporters in our fold. Otherwise,
they would have joined the UPFA. The party and the country need me. I am
not prepared to go to other parties because I was in all major parties.
However, the UNP working Committee did not approve my removal. It's a
great victory for me. I don't mind if the party does not take me back.
Without reforms we will continue to be in the opposition.
Q: Ranil wanted to have a discussion with you after the court
dismissed your case. Was it a plan to stop you from appealing?
A: I thought the same. I fight for justice. Members in the Political
Affairs Committee urged the leader to take me back. I will not stop my
quest for reforms. When we go to our electorates, people ask about
reforms. When I don't answer, my image is tarnished. Many members are
with me today to support my struggle. If the party takes me back I
should be made the leader in the South. I was the leader at the last
election. I am more senior to Hemakumara Nanayakkara, Vajira Abeywardane
and Sajith Prmadasa in politics.
Q: You are one of the few UNPers who fearlessly express views. But
don't you think that some people used you for their benefit? But finally
they left you in the lurch in fear of the leadership?
A: The Government we formed in 2001 lasted two years. Ranil could
have saved that Government. Even Chandrika Bandaranaike was ready to
give back some of the Ministries she took over. But we overestimated
ourselves. We thought that people will vote for us because of the good
economic management and the Ceasefire Agreement we signed. But since we
did not address the issues concerning the poor masses like the cost of
living, unemployment, problem of farmers, salaries, trade unions, etc,
we lost the election. Thereafter, we tried to bring Karu Jayasuriya to
the leadership but he did not respond positively. I proposed to give a
senior leadership post to Ranil and make Karu the leader. Ranil even
agreed to take that post while having discussion with Ravi and Rajitha
in Bangkok.
If the leadership is ready for reforms, I can arrive at a compromise.
Now there is no team work. We need to bring leaders from various
organisations to our party and give them positions. We should stop
appointing persons who are close to the party leader. We can't win if we
appoint persons who are just loyal friends of the leader. Some of our
members are waiting to grab power when this government collapse. It's a
dream. This Government will not collapse. We were accused of a Tiger and
Elephant pact, Regaining Sri Lanka and Ceasefire Agreement. We need to
debate this and explain issues to the people. We must stress that the
UNP is a poor man party and not a party of capitalists. Youth think that
our party gives only jobs in factories but not in Government service.
The UPFA gave 42,000 jobs. We were told there are no vacancies when we
wanted to give jobs. We could have given these jobs and won the hearts
of youth.
Q: Your leader is a good crisis management man. Still he is not
prepared to share his powers. Will you finally lose your political
career if you continue to press for reforms?
A: He can manage the crisis but he will remain in the opposition
forever, unless he implements reforms. Even if I am not in the Political
Affairs Committee, other members are struggling for reforms. I am happy
about it. The majority in the party have agreed to decentralise power.
Even after we joined, still the UNP could not grab power. Who are the
leaders in this party other than us? Persons who have gone to Royal
College cannot bring the party back to power. We don't need a dictator
in the party. I am one of the nine members who came to the UNP giving up
Ministerial portfolios. But today I have been sidelined.
Q: Why is the UNP still not concerned about national issues. The best
example is withdrawing support for the 18th Amendment. Is the UNP
playing politics with national issues?
A: There were some problems with regard to the appointment of
members to the Constitutional Council. That is why President Mahinda
Rajapaksa should call the Opposition leader and solve such problems.
Q: Did your leader agree to take you back giving all the posts?
A: He told me, Mahinda you have done a good service to the party. I
have been asked to take disciplinary action against you by appointing a
committee but I did the least; He hinted that he will take me back.
Hemakumara had proposed that I should be taken after obtaining a letter
of apology. I will not give any apology because I have not breached
party discipline. I can give a letter expressing my regret but certainly
not an apology. If reforms are not implemented it is no point being in
this party.
Q: One of your members Susantha Punchinilame joined Government ranks.
Are there more to follow suit?
A: Of course many more are to go, according to information. Many
members are fed up of being in the Opposition over a decade. They know
that there is no strategy to win even future elections. That is why they
leave the party. It is not a surprise. But Punchinilame comes from a
hardcore UNP back- ground. He lost his wealth and was also in jail. He
has problems with the JVP. Despite all these things, just imagine why
such a person joined the Government. Our supporters are even
pressurising us to leave the party and join the Government. People in
villages know that we will never win and they cannot get any development
work done.
Q: But why is that some young MPs still like to be in Opposition
while supporting the leader?
A: Young MPs like it because when seniors leave the party they can
rise to positions. But if reforms are not introduced soon the party will
be in jeopardy. Young MPs who are bootlicking the leader should realise
this. We must immediately call the party Annual sessions to introduce
Q: Why is the party not taking action against persons who are
responsible for the defeat at the last Presidential election?
A: This is one of the reasons I am really fed up. Ranil is very
lenient to certain persons in the party and they enjoy special
privileges. I was accused of reducing votes at the local polls. But who
really defeated the party at the last Presidential election. Statements
made by Milinda and Navin led the LTTE to ban voting. Even Sajith's
statement about the abolition of Samurdhi under a UNP Government also
affected votes.
Before the Tokyo summit another meeting was organised in America. The
LTTE said that they can't go there because they were banned. This is a
trap to prevent LTTE participation. Milinda said that with America and
India's support the LTTE will be crushed. He even said that the LTTE was
divided by Ranil. That is why we lost votes of the Tamil people. No
action was taken against him but Ranil is accusing me of reducing votes
at the local polls.
Q: Despite all these accusations why hasn't your leader still not
taken any disciplinary action against Milinda and Maharoof?
A: Milinda and Maharoof do not have much public backing but only
money. Ranil does not want to remove them. The Committee appointed to
inquire into the CMC issue finally came in favour of them saying that
there was no intentional move to have had nomination papers rejected.
This Committee has been formed to clear their names.
If the leadership is thinking that when he needs a discussion in
America, Milinda can organise it and when he needs money Maharoof can
give it, it is a great mistake. Milinda has made this statement
purposely. This statement has been made purposely to get the LTTE to
boycott polls. He is not a baby. This proves that he is having another
agenda. He is having contacts with Condoleeza Rice. Milinda's statement
was not corrected properly because our people thought that we have won.
So the leader is not asking apologies from him. The CMC problem was also
created by Milinda and Maharoof.
Q: Milinda Moragoda is one of the few who is eying the next
leadership. Since 1994 your leader is also trying to bring youth to the
party. Milinda is one of them. So do you think he is a potential leader?
A: Yes, we need young men who are energetic to win elections. But we
need a balance. We need seniors too.
If Milinda contests in our areas he cannot get even five votes. Still
I can muster lakhs of votes. Still S.B, Rajitha and myself can work with
University students. If Milinda comes to our areas he will be jeered and
chased out. There are many in the party who are better than Milinda for
future leadership. Who the hell is he? Sajith, Navin, Vajira and even
Hemakumara are potential future leaders but certainly not Milinda.