Stop bullying Sri Lanka
By S. Akurugoda

Erick Solheim whispering to LTTE’s S.P.Thamilselvan (File photo)
On his way to Japan during the latter part of the month of May, Erick
Solheim had told the Indian National Security Advisor M. K. Narayanan,
that "Sri Lanka needed to show 'statesmanship' and 'political maturity'
and fulfil the promises it made during the first round of peace talks
with the LTTE in Geneva in February."
The so-called Co-chairs, where Norway 's Solheim play leading roles,
made similar statements. When they met in Tokyo a few weeks after they
read the following statement of the Co-Chairs.
"It (the Government) must immediately prevent groups based in 'its
territory' from carrying out violence and acts of terrorism. It must
protect the rights and security of Tamils 'throughout the country and
ensure violators are prosecuted'."
"In this context, the Co-Chairs will support any solution agreed by
the parties that safeguards the territorial integrity of Sri Lanka,
assures protection and fulfils the legitimate aspirations of the Tamil
people and indeed of the Muslim people, guarantees democracy and human
rights, and is acceptable to all communities."
Since the 'territory' of the Government of Sri Lanka includes North
and East, there is no doubt, whatsoever, that it is the responsibility
of the Government to prevent groups based in 'its territory' from
carrying out violence and acts of terrorism. The obvious questions that
arise the are;
(a) Who is carrying out violence and acts of terrorism within the
territory of Sri Lanka ?
(b) What are the legitimate aspirations of the Tamil and Muslim
(c) Which community or individual on earth is free from aspirations?
(d) Who is violating the democratic rights and security of Tamils and
As far as we are aware, 52% of the Tamil population now lives outside
the North and East provinces of Sri Lanka and without any record of
incidences of communal violence outside the North and East since 1983
despite numerous provocations.
On the other hand, the LTTE continues its ethnic cleansing around the
uncleared areas after wiping out almost all the Sinhalese from the
The fate of Rajiv Gandhi, who volunteered to guarantee the so-called
legitimate aspiration of the Tamils in Sri Lanka by imposing Provincial
Councils and forcing the GoSL to 'invite' the IPKF, is a typical example
of the 'aspiration' of the Norwegian's sole representative of the Tamil
The 'legitimate aspiration' is merely a slogan adopted by the LTTE
and their local and foreign supporters to promote separatism to cover-up
the atrocities committed by the terrorist group.
Israel Government attacked Palestine infrastructure last week just to
rescue one of their soldiers.
It is interesting to note that none of these Westerners, or the
so-called human rights organisations (who are vociferous when the
Government of Sri Lanka initiates retaliatory or rescue operations) has
asked the Government of Israel to stop Palestine infrastructure and
start 'Peace Talks' immediately or to fulfil the 'legitimate
aspirations' of the Palestine people.
The peace broker should stop insulting the people of Sri Lanka by
commenting on the 'statesmanship' and 'political maturity' of Sri Lanka
and by treating its democratically elected President and his Government
on par with a criminal found guilty of mass murder and required by the
Interpol and his terrorist outfit who keep some parts of the North and
East under the power of gun. These Westerners are promoting the
terrorists' global campaign that Sinhalese, particularly Sinhalese
Buddhists, or the Sri Lankan Government as the Tamil's greatest enemy.
They also attempt to hide the facts and figures of suicide bombing,
child recruitment, killing of political opponents and innocent civilians
(including Tamils, Muslims and Sinhalese) tactically by simply asking '
both sides to stop violence' and commence 'Peace Talks' while all the
Western countries are strictly maintaining a 'non-negotiable policy'
with groups of terrorists who attack them.
One of the fundamentals of conflict resolution is to have an unbiased
facilitator. Norway's direct funding to media groups and NGOs, who in
return doing an enormous service to the terrorist outfit, and frequent
meeting with UNP leaders in Oslo and India have fuelled the speculations
of its duplicity and manipulations.
According to media reports, there are credible information (including
those of Indian security intelligence) to confirm that the high tech
communication equipment smuggled into the country with the help of
Norway are being used by the LTTE to trace and kill political opponents.
Funding the LTTE to commit atrocities and facilitating the terrorist
outfit to get international sympathy is destructive and cannot be
considered as 'peace facilitation'.
Libya was forced to pay compensation to the terrorist victims, after
the Lockerbie terror, for supporting the terrorist to blow up the Pan Am
On the same basis, the victims of the Norwegian funded terrorism
should be entitled for compensation.
Let us do the needful urgently or we will be crushed by these western
European countries led by Norway to hand over one third of the land and
two - thirds of the coast to 8% of the population under the pretext of
'legitimate aspirations'.
(Courtesy SPUR.)