Thai leader's letter to Bush inflames political crisis

Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra

US President George W. Bush.
BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) Thailand's political crisis is heating up
again, this time with the focus on the United States and President
George W. Bush.
Embattled Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra has faced a
cacophony of criticism at home for a letter he dashed off to the U.S.
president last month, explaining Thailand's current political mess. The
letter, splashed across Thai newspapers' front pages this week, has been
denounced as self-serving, sycophantic and "shameful."
Critics say it's Thaksin's attempt to spin the political crisis so he
emerges as a victim, and accuse him of unsolicited kowtowing to
"Uncle Sam, I'm being bullied," read The Nation newspaper's banner
headline Thursday, above an article calling Thaksin a "crybaby" for
talking to outsiders about the crisis that has followed massive anti-Thaksin
protests months ago, leaving the government in political limbo.
In a commentary headlined, "Dear George letters are shameful," the
English-language Nation said "Thaksin's pleas to U.S. leader have
ridiculed Thai democracy."
Thaksin's letter said "there has been a threat to democracy in
Thailand since early this year." "Having failed to provoke violence and
disorder, my opponents are now attempting various extra-constitutional
tactics to co-opt the will of the people," it said. The letter outraged
Thaksin's opponents, who said they would deliver their own accounts of
the situation to the embassies of the U.S., Britain, China, France,
Japan and Russia on Friday.
Thaksin has penned missives to leaders around Europe and Asia, trying
to explain Thailand's political crisis since it began in January.
He met with British Prime Minister Tony Blair, French President
Jacques Chirac and Russian leader Vladimir Putin during unofficial trips
in April.
But it was the June 23 letter to the U.S. president that hit a nerve.
"Thailand is not a colony of the United States," said former Prime
Minister Chuan Leekpai, who stepped down in 2001 after Thaksin defeated
his opposition Democrat Party.
The crisis started in Bangkok with tens of thousands of street
protesters - mostly educated, middle- and upper-class Thais - demanding
Thaksin's resignation.
Critics focused on the tycoon-turned-politician's financial deals
made while in office, and accused him of corrupt practices that weakened
democratic institutions.
The protests prompted Thaksin, still popular among rural voters, to
dissolve Parliament in February and call snap April 2 elections.
But the courts invalidated those polls, which the opposition had
boycotted. A new vote has been tentatively set for Oct. 15.Meanwhile,
Thailand has no working legislature and Thaksin is an interim leader -
despite an earlier pledge to step aside.
Thaksin says he doesn't understand the uproar of the letter. "Leaders
writing letters to each other is a normal practice," he said. "Why is
everyone so excited?" U.S. Embassy spokeswoman Kathleen Boyle said the
two leaders "correspond on occasion."
Bush responded to Thaksin in a two-paragraph letter dated July 3.
"The United States has watched events in your country with some
concern," it said. "As an ally and a friend it is my sincere hope that
all parties can find a way forward that respects the great achievements
of Thai democracy and sees a fully vested government up and running in
Bangkok as soon as possible.