Scientists grow sperm from stem cells

Professor Karim Nayernia, whose work with stem cells resulted in the
birth of seven mice
Scientists have turned stem cells from an embryo into sperm that are
capable of producing offspring, it was announced yesterday.
The advance in reproductive science raises new opportunities to treat
male infertility and the possibility that women could make sperm.
The professor behind the research believes that, when safe, the
advance could help men with certain types of infertility to become
fertile, to remain fertile for longer and, controversially, could even
one day enable a lesbian couple to have children that, at the genetic
level, are truly their own.
Professor Karim Nayernia, whose work with stem cells resulted in the
birth of seven mice The experiment used embryo cells to produce seven
baby mice, six of which lived to adulthood, though the survivors
suffered problems of the kind also seen with cloning. A team led by Prof
Karim Nayernia isolated embryonic stem cells from a blastocyst, an
embryo only a few days old that consists of a cluster of cells. These
cells were grown in the laboratory and screened to sort out the
spermatogonial stem cells, which were genetically marked, grown and then
injected into female mouse eggs and grown into early-stage embryos.
After transplant into female mice, seven babies resulted. Six
developed into adult mice, though the animals were either too small or
too large, and they died prematurely.
The advance, reported yesterday in the journal Developmental Cell,
helps scientists understand more about how animals produce sperm,
creates more opportunities to carry out genetic alteration of animals,
and shows that cells may one day be coaxed in the laboratory to make
sperm to treat infertility. In the long term, cloning methods could be
used to turn a skin cell from a man into sperm and Prof Nayernia said it
was even possible that it could be achieved using a cell from a woman.
Prof Nayernia, Professor of Stem Cell Biology at Newcastle
University, said: "This research is particularly important in helping us
to understand more about spermatogenesis, the biological process in
which sperm is produced. We must know this if we are to get to the root
of infertility.
"If we know more about how spermatogonial stem cells turn into sperm
cells, this knowledge could be translated into treatments for men whose
sperm is dysfunctional, although this is several years down the line.
"For example, we could isolate a patient's spermatogonial cells,
encourage them in the laboratory into becoming functional sperm and
transplant them back into the patient."
Harry Moore, Professor of Reproductive Biology, University of
Sheffield, said: "This latest finding is exciting, as it is the first
indication that germ cells [immature sperm cells] produced in this way
have the full potential to create an individual. This opens up many
important possibilities for research related to genetics, cancer and
cell reprogramming."
It could shed light on how abnormal development of germ cells in men
may lead to testicular cancer and infertility but he added: "The latest
findings also highlight that these processes in the test tube are far
from perfect as the mice that were born by this process were abnormal.
"We therefore have to be very cautious about using such techniques in
therapies to treat men or women who are infertile due to a lack of germ
stem cells until all safety aspects are resolved. This may take many
(Telegraph News)