Water for Life!

This exhibition is designed to increase public awareness of the
challenges raised by water resources in developing countries through
photographs taken by IRD researchers. Some of the main topics of
sustainable development are covered including climate, health,
geo-political issues, obtaining water daily and hydrology.

Whether for health, agriculture or transport, water is the essence of
our daily existence. And yet as the 21st Century gets underway, our
planet is facing a major water crisis. The tiny proportion of fresh
water on the earth is unevenly distributed, badly managed and
inadequately protected. Indeed, fresh water is in short supply in many
developing countries.

This exhibition aims to illustrate the research projects being
carried out around the world. Scientists from all fields are working to
try to understand the causes and effects of declining fresh water
resources in a bid to better protect existing resources and distribute
them more evenly. The exhibition of 23 photographs is presented in five
categories: Water... everyday, Temperamental water, Water-related
disasters, Water for food, Link or boundary?, Water measurements.
The exhibition was organized by the Scientific Culture department of
the IRD Communication and Information Delegation, in conjunction with
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the DGCID.