English Literature GCE A/L Made easy: Bertolt Brecht's the Caucasian
Chalk Circle
Brecht's heroes and heroines often come from the "Lower rungs of
society." In the Three Penny Opera the protagonist is a thief. In the
Good Woman of Setzum it's a prostitute and in the Caucasian Chalk Circle
it's a poor Kitchen maid.

His Characters are neither "totally white nor totally black". He
shows distinctly how each person is subjected to a greedy desire for
wealth and position. E.g. the governor, the priest. The writer
highlights the merciless procedure adopted by the rich. Grusha is
harassed and her mother-in-law too gets subjected to ridiculous
treatment. The governor, the priest and the rulers symbolize the rich
aiming at personal profit while Grusha and Simon symbolize the ordinary
people with human kindness.
The prologue provides the "idealogical cue". The Dialogue and the
songs are of extreme importance as Brecht's expected "Intelligent
Attention" of the audience, with the view that it's a drama. Brecht is
gifted with the ability to "Hypnotise the audience" carrying them into a
background identically accustomed to their behaviour pattern, enticing
the audience, rebelling "Brecht's philosophy of life" Songs create the
back ground for the oncoming events Brecht's ability to spot out the
dark side of the characteristics prevalent in the so-called high
"Beggars on his door step", "The solders in his service", many
petitioners in his court yard". Brecht's techniques were varied. He had
the curtain open through out and the orchestra remained within the view
of the audience and the juxtaposition of certain incidents exposing
their importance.

The essential commodities for the play is provided by the prologue -
the destroyed apple orchard, dairy farm - all due to the evil influence
of the Nazis. The background is set in a "strategic manner". The oldman
to get the valley back a peasant woman unpacking the goat cheese,
displaying the inner feelings of the characters concerned. The singer
appearing with four musicians greeted by all and making the announcement
of the very old legend The Chalk Circle coming from the Chinese.
The noble child
The singer and the chorus give the signal for each scene to begin.
The first part of the song describing the governor, Georgi Abashwili,
very rich person with a beautiful wife and a healthy baby.
He leads a rich life and as he went to church with his family, the
people were crazy to have a look at the baby, the Governor's heir,
attended by doctors and even the mighty prince kazblki bowed before the
baby prince. The contrasting situation of the mighty rich and the
trodden poor.
The singer appearing in between scenes provides the necessary
background for the proceedings; a significant feature in Brecht's drama.
The discrepancy that prevailed in the society is clearly presented.
"When the house of a great one collapses
Many little ones are slain
Those who had no share in the good fortunes of the mighty
Often have a share in their misfortune
The plunging wagon
Drags the sweating oxen down with it.
Into the abyss.
The contrasting procedure of the governor's wife selecting Green
Dress and saffron coloured boots symbolize peace and calm amidst
terrific events and her migraine causing her much uneasiness stressing
the fact that even a little headache of the rich has to be recognized.
Grusha's request made to the old man and his immediate response
highlight the pathetic state of affairs prevailing and the iron shirts
with their inhuman behaviour pattern mirror forth their callous attitude
and Grusha fighting her way with the child, the governor's wife had
"The helpless girl adopted the helpless child Grusha's resolution to
Live together or die together" and her decision to get married to a
sickman on the verge of death in order to get shelter for the helpless
child and the man's mother's anxiety to get the marriage authorised, are
a reflection of the state of affairs prevailing. Grusha still hoping for
her soldier's safe arrival; and her ardent desire to save the helpless
"Run, kind girl! The killers are coming.
Help the helpless babe, helpless girl
And so she runs".
"In the bloodiest times
There are kind people"
Grusha: Hide him quick. The iron shirts are coming. I laid him on
your doorstep but he isn't mine.
He is from a good family."
Grusha's resolution to live together or die together deserves high
Mrs. C. Ekanayake, Retd. Specialist Teacher EngLit., St. Anne's
College, Kurunegala.