Pesticide free sticker to secure premium price for betel exports
by Surekha Galagoda
All betel exported by the betel Farmers People's company "Seemasahitha
(Janatha) Epaladeniya Krushi Vyavasaya Samagama" will carry a sticker in
the future to confirm it is pesticide free.
This will help farmers get a premium price for their product and we
are planning to implement a special program to educate and train betel
farmers to obtain a certificate from the Export Agriculture Department,
said Deputy Director Export Agriculture Division EDB Chandani Dias
She said that at present too the agricultural methods used by the
farmers are pesticide free and even when pests attack the betel crop
they use alternative methods to get rid of them. Therefore we thought of
taking advantage of it to get a premium price.
Abeyagunawardene said that all betel exported to Pakistan by the
Epaladeniya Company is branded as Epaladeniya betel with a special
sticker on each basket.
She said that the Betel development program Bulath Arunella was
launched to bring a solution to the many problems faced by the betel
farmers in the country by the Ministry of Agriculture, Department of
Export Agriculture, EDB and the Second Perennial Crop Development
Project 2004.
Two programs were implemented under the Bulath Arunella to strengthen
the people's company which included participating in the seventh SAARC
trade Fair in Karachi to display betel leaves and other agro based
products and organising a betel market study mission for betel farmer
representatives and officials from the Ministry of Agriculture,
Department of Export Agriculture and the EDB.
She said that they have received very good inquiries for tamarind,
fresh coconuts, copra, ginger and lime. At present we are processing the
During the study mission they met buyers and discussed the quality of
the betel they are exporting, how to improve packaging and the moisture
level in packaging depending on the season, They were also able to meet
retailers and consumers, observe the clearance of their cargo, meet
customs officers, study the duty structure and other levies, visit a '
Pan shed' the auction room where the betel is auctioned, how the betel
is prepared for consumption and also visit a betel farm 100 kilometres
away from Karachi.
We had to get special permission to visit the betel farm and the
Betel Importers and Retailers Association collaborated the program,
Abeyagunawardene said.
The main objective of the Bulath Arunella program is to increase the
bargaining power of the betel farmers by grouping them to face the
market forces in the open market effectively. She said that under the
program betel farmers were initially encouraged to form village level
farmer associations.
Subsequently 256 'Govijana Bala Pradesha ' level associations were
formed from the village level associations and at the third stage two
district level associations were formed in the Kurunegala and Gampaha
districts. From the two apex farmer federations in these two districts
the people's company the Seemasahitha (Janatha)Epaladeniya Krushi
Vyavasaya Samagama was formed to export betel under the tariff quota
received under the Pakistan Sri Lanka FTA.
Under the FTA Pakistan has allowed 1200 MT of betel leaves to be
exported with a 35% margin of preference on the applied MFN rate of
import duty (Pakistani Rs 97.50 instead of Pakistani Rs 150).
She said that following a request by the Betel steering committee the
Ministry of Trade, Commerce and Consumer Affairs granted 20% of the
quota equivalent to 240 MT to the people's company. The company
commenced operations in March 2006 and has already shipped 6,500 baskets
(58MT) of betel leaves and has earned Rs 12 million in foreign exchange.
Abeyagunawardene said that Sri Lanka became the leader in the betel
export market in 2004 securing a market share of 73%. Total export
earnings increased from Rs 117 million in 2001 to Rs 254 million in
2005. Pakistan has been the single largest buyer of betel for many years
and Sri Lanka has a 93% market share. Weekly exports of betel leaves to
Pakistan are around 45 metric tons. |