Countrywide surveys to identify new mining zones
by Lalin Fernandopulle
The National Gem and Jewellery Authority (NGJA) will conduct
countrywide surveys on gem deposits to identify unexplored areas and
potential new mining zones, said Enterprise Development and Investment
Promotion Minister Rohitha Bogollagama.
Launching a development program for the gem industry Minister
Bogollagama said steps will be taken to recognise gem mining in river
beds deploying sucking machines. A team comprising experts in the gem
industry will be involved in the mission.
Opportunities to extract Insitu (Primary) deposits using advanced
technology will be looked into, he said. Adequate lands will be provided
for gemming by releasing lands through plantation companies and
government sector organisations. A proper procedure to auction gem lands
with transparency will be introduced, Bogollagama said.
An internationally recognised gem testing laboratory will be set up
in Colombo. In addition provincial level and mobile laboratories will be
set up. A laboratory was opened at Beruwela on July 1.
The Minister said a program will be launched to facilitate
development of the skills' standards of gem and jewellery stakeholders
to meet industry needs. The program includes seminars and workshops to
enhance the knowledge and skills of gem miners. Steps will be taken to
promote and practise environmental friendly gem mining systems. Tree
planting and awareness programs will also be conducted. Steps will be
taken to rehabilitate damaged river banks and close abandoned gem pits,
Bogollagama said.
A gem trading bank will be set up to assist miners to obtain loans to
purchase machinery and equipment at concessionary rates.
The NGJA in a move to increase its exports is planning to capture the
Chinese market. The NGJA will initially participate in the Chinese
Jewellery and Gem Fair to be held in November this year, the Minister
said. He said the NGJA will open a gem museum by the end of this year.