Zonta Club I appoint new board members
Zonta International is a world wide service organisation of
executives in Business and the professions working together to advance
the status of women worldwide. It's Head Quarters is in Chicago Illinois
in the USA. Zonta International includes Clubs, Districts, and the
International. Clubs in Sri Lanka, India and Bangladesh fall within the
ambit of District 25.
Zonta Club I of Colombo, had its Annual General Meeting at the Akasa
Kade Club, Ceylinco Seylan Towers Colombo 3 recently. Prof. G. L. Peiris
was the Chief Guest for the evening.
Prof. Peiris paid tribute to the excellent work done in a variety of
fields during the last two years b the Zontians, under the dynamic
leadership of President Mrs. Mano Ramanathan. Prof. Peiris said that
social priorities had been perceptively identified by the Zonta Club,
which had devoted considerable energy and resources to the care of
orphans and elders, the alleviation of urban poverty and the urgent
requirement of victims of the tsunami calamity.
He expressed his views on the main focus of the social initiatives
which could appropriately be embarked upon in the near future by the
Zonta Club. Among the areas he identified were the improvement of prison
conditions, enhancement of the quality of education and problems
connected with the decline of moral and spiritual values in society.
At the Annual General Meeting, Secretary Ms. Renuka de Silva, read a
message sent by Zonta International President Mary Ellen Bittner. This
was yet another, highlight at this event. Excerpt from her message was
as follows:
"I thank the outgoing President for her services rendered to Zonta. I
congratulate the incoming President. Through your involvement in Zonta,
you are doing so much to make the world a better place; for women, and
as you have heard me say before, we all know that a better world for
women is a better world".
District Governor of District 25 Dilruba Ahmed from Bangladesh was
present at this meeting. She inducted the incoming President Sumithra
Fernando and the New Board members for the biennium 2006 - 2008 in a
colourful ceremony.