Calcium-rich cereals don't boost bones
Giving children foods fortified (strengthened) with calcium to help
build up their bones may be a waste of time, say experts.
The mineral is added to many breakfast cereals, snack bars and drinks
as manufacturers woo (attract) the parental market.

But scientists have found that such products do not produce
significantly stronger bones, nor do they reduce the chance of a child
suffering fractures.
It is thought that calcium artificially added to food passes through
the body too quickly to be properly absorbed and therefore fails to
perform the same functions as foods which are naturally rich in calcium,
such as milk, cheese and leafy green vegetables.
The trend for calcium-fortified foods followed doctors' warning that
many youngsters are not having enough calcium naturally, in their diet.
It is now built into such things as breakfast bars, cereals, some
orange juices and even a calcium-enriched water.
The theory is that if children build strong bones, it will protect
them better against problems such as osteoporosis in later life. But the
research casts doubt on the usefulness of such products. Experts
analysed 19 studies where children aged between three and 19 were given
extra calcium in their diet, in this way.
They then measured the impact by measuring their bone mineral density
and mineral content. The team found few significant increases in bone
mass and none in the two bones which are most vulnerable to fracture -
the lower spine and upper part of the thigh.
A small impact was noted in bone density in the arm, but it cut the
risk of fracture by just 0.2 per cent, according to the report published
in the Cochrane Library. The influential publication is produced by the
international health research organisation, the Cochrane Collaboration.
Lead researcher Professor Frank R. Greer, of the University of
Wisconsin, said the findings for children echo those seen in adult
studies. "You can get some short-term improvements, but as soon as you
stop the supplements, it goes right back to where it was", he said.
Professor Greer said that recommended guidelines for children are
based on their daily calcium intake - not daily supplement intake.
"In fruits, vegetables and dairy products, the calcium is
incorporated in the protein. If you absorb the calcium with the protein,
you are going to absorb most of the calcium, rather than have it slip
through the intestine and then be excreted (expelled from the body)", he
A spokesman for a leading cereal company said the company has
fortified its cereals with vitamins and minerals for more than 50 years
in an effort to help deficiencies in the diet. She said a normal serving
of those targeted at children, typically provide 17 per cent of the
recommended daily intake of calcium.
She also pointed out that cereals are a very good way of ensuring
children drink milk, with the amount used normally per breakfast bowl
providing half a child's recommended daily intake of calcium.
Daily Mail.
Cat that scared a bear
A bear quivers after being chased up a tree by a cat - twice.
The black beast had terrified families as it casually strolled around
their back gardens in West Milford, New Jersey in the UK.
But tubby ginger tom Jack went straight for it and chased it up the
Neighbours looked on as the terrified bear clung to an upper branch.
When it dared to come down, Jack started hissing and the terrified
bear bolted up another tree.
After it finally fled, Jack celebrated by rubbing up against his
owners to show off. It certainly beats a bear hug.
The Sun |