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Government Gazette

Music her first love

When she was a little girl the keyboard was her best friend. Gradually the melody that sprang between the strings and the bow of the violin began to entice her. Then after this experience she just loved to listen to the flow of music through the Recorder when she blew music into the flute. Amandi Menaka Ekanayaka has many things to say about music as it is her first love.

She goes back to her happy childhood, when she sits besides her little pupils to give them a piano lesson at her residence at Melder Place, Nugegoda every evening. Amandi is a licentiate pianist of Trinity College, London, and is now a music teacher.

She reminisced how she felt when she first touched a violin not knowing she would be a the violinist she is and an enchanting orchestra player one day. And today she plays the violin for the Krasner Orchestra of Sri Lanka and Symphony Orchestra of Sri Lanka.

She is a Silver Medallist of Trinity College for getting the highest marks in all categories in 2000. "I presented myself for that exam while I was in my A/Ls class. It was somewhat of a tough job at that time," says Amandi who is an old girl of Methodist College, Colombo and Lyceum International School, Nugegoda.

Amandi once tried her skills in Kandyan dancing as well while in school. But she decided to carry on with music as she felt it was going to be her soul mate. She played the recorder for the school band.

Amandi is a good classical singer too. She had her voice trained under Menaka Sahabandu. She enjoys playing violin and piano while singing at receptions, concerts and other functions. "At the beginning I was nervous. But once people started to come to hear me and appreciated my performance I gradually began to gain confidence. But still it's a wonderful experience. Since I go for classical hits I mainly get older fans who have enjoyed this type of music in the past . But still there are young people who appreciate classics and music of yester year, however, this is very rare " says Amandi.

Brought up in a very secure family background as she is the only child. Amandi is not a person of many words , her music is her world. "I love animals. I cannot see them suffering," she says petting her little cat. "We haven't still decided on a name for her. She has a 101 names. However, she comes out whenever we call her by using any one of these names" she laughs.

"I adore children too, and enjoy teaching them. I know of western music teachers who knock the knuckles of their students and pinch them when they play wrong. I have never had that kind of experience in my life and I have never done that to my pupils . I think it could be a very bad experience for children, and it might stop them from learning music.

It is an aesthetic subject which one should master with patience and devotion. And more than anything, one should have the desire for it. If you don't 'love' music you cannot develop it. I don't think anyone can be forced into learning an aesthetic subject and it is not like studying compulsory subjects like Maths and Science," she stresses.

Amandi never hesitates to explain her philosophy of life. "I hardly get angry as my tolerance capacity is rather high. I don't want to hurt anybody because I don't want to get hurt. Caring for others with a kind word or smile won't cost you a lot. First you have to fill your heart with good feelings.

This helps you to cultivate good brain waves which can do wonders. You can do this by training yourself to look at the world with compassion," she says. The young music teacher is a good judge of people.

"I normally talk less. I have a lot of friends, but choosy when getting close to them. But won't hesitate to reveal myself once I build up my confidence in him or her," she smiles.

Amandi has done part time music at the Russian Cultural Centre for sometime. "I prefer teaching at home because then you are your own boss. There's no pressure or no heavy targets, and you are not answerable to anybody. I am my own master," she stresses.

Amandi has no giant hopes in life. Doing her profession well and settling down with her fiance soon in the near future to lead a good married life are among the goals and aims of this gentle young music talent.


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