Sharp increase in Lanka's export earnings
by L. S. A. Wedaarachchi
Sri Lanka's export earnings grew significantly in 2006. In 2005 Sri
Lanka's exports grew by 9.6% to Rs. 638 billion. Any emerging economy
needs the support of exporters.
The largest contribution for export growth in 2006 is industrial
exports according to the Central Bank. The performance in textiles and
garments, food and beverages, petroleum products is remarkable in the
industrial sector. Agricultural exports continued to grow with higher
performance in tea and rubber. cumulative exports in the first half of
2006 grew by 8.8 percent from US$ 2,906 million in 2005 to US$ 3,162
million in 2006.
The National Chamber of Exporters of Sri Lanka (NCE) recognised
exporters in 1993 on the initiative of the founder President of the NCE
Patrick Amarasingha making it the oldest awards presented to the
exporting fraternity of Sri Lanka.
In the general industry sector value-addition, efficient utilisation
of local resources and contribution to the economy have been considered
by splitting the sub sectors in agriculture. Former chairman of the Sri
Lanka Export Development Board and the Executive Director of the Sri
Lanka National Council for Economic Development (NCED) Rohantha N. A.
Athukorala said that Sri Lanka's export target is Rs. 1,000 billion by
the end of 2008.
"However, there are some key issues namely in Sri Lanka's top markets
the USA and UK and it is time that we got together and decide how we
will face the key competitor China. Exports from China to UK last year
have grown from 85 million Sterling to 185 million Sterling registering
a growth of 117 percent from January - August last year and reaching a
record of 283.5 million Sterling Pounds at the end of the year, he said.
"The key success to this was the strong marketing by China in the UK
market. We have to look for a different strategy for Sri Lanka or else
it will not augur well for exports," he said.
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