Seminar on 'Profiles on Youth': Multi-faceted emerging trends in
Having discussed the issues relating to physical
changes and developments that occurred at puberty, Prof. Schroeder
was of the view that the passage between childhood and adulthood did
not always take place in a distinct youth phase or adolescence and
that it changes according to culture.
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Altruism at its best
Lakshman Kahawatta and his wife Jenifer who were
the first Foster Parents under the scheme say "It was with
tremendous shock and disbelief that we watched the terrible event
unfold on our television screen on Boxing day 2004. When we were
asked by Mrs. Shanthini Kongahage to support a few tsunami affected
children, we agreed to commit ourselves to supporting ten children.
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'Bringing cultures together is the best job'
Country Director of British Council, Sri Lanka
Gill Westaway is the recently appointed Country
Director of the British Council, Sri Lanka. Having worked for the
British Council for two dozen years, she has found herself placed in
Latin America, Africa, South and South East Asia, rising from a mere
teacher of the English language to Country Director of Philippines
and now Sri Lanka.
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