Shift in Lebanon's sectarian politics
On the one side is the "14th March group", an alliance representing
the country's political elite which pushed for the departure of Syrian
forces from Lebanon. The coalition, which takes its name from the date
of last year's anti-Syrian demonstration, comprises Sunni Muslims and
some Christian and Druze groups.
On the other side are Hezbollah and their allies, including the
followers of the Christian leader, former general Michel Aoun, who has
given the Shia party his political backing. In the weeks since the
ceasefire, political tensions have risen as politicians argue about the
direction the country should now take.
The Hezbollah alliance has been calling for a national unity
government to replace Prime Minister Fouad Siniora's cabinet, a move
likely to usher in pro-Syrian groups and electoral reforms giving Shia
Muslims more power.
They accuse their political opponents of emasculating Lebanon by
forging relationships with Western powers instead of uniting with Arab
countries against Israel. New battle lines This isn't a conflict across
sectarian lines, says Abdo Saad, a pollster who runs the Beirut Center
for Research and Information.
"You have the axis of America and France, and you have the axis of
Iran, Syria and Hezbollah. There are deep divisions."' The debate is
running right through Lebanese society.
Hanadi Charaff Deen, a 20-year-old student from Tyre who fled her
family home during the recent conflict, supports the Hezbollah alliance.
"We so appreciate them. Without Hezbollah, we would be killed by Israel
in a very terrible way," she says. Her sister Farah, 16, says that
maintaining good relations with Syria is essential. "Syria defended us.
We cannot forget this. She's our neighbour, one of the Arab
countries. The 14th March coalition want to end the relationship, but
that's not good for Lebanon. Instead of one enemy, we would have a lot
of enemies." Plunged into war But those from the opposing viewpoint
blame Hezbollah for plunging the country back into war with Israel and
putting defence at the top of the national agenda.
"They are so attached to the Arab-Israeli conflict," says Diana Bou
Ghanem, a telecommunications expert from Beirut. "They are not focusing
on the internal issues; they are focusing on the war with Israel."
Another war
She worries about the effects of conflict on the economy. "We have
lost the trust of investors. They fear that in a few years we will have
another war. What kind of market is that?" Experts differ as to the
implications of the new divide for Lebanon's internal stability.
"We need to build a state," says Mr Saad, the pollster. "But I cannot
foresee it happening in the near future, with this very strong
polarisation. I fear that we may go to war now." Bickering But Ridwan
al-Sayyid, professor of Islamic studies at the Lebanese University,
denies that the split will lead to a Sunni-Shia conflict in Lebanon.
"The Sunnis are of the opinion that the Shia are making wars with
Israel and putting the whole country at risk," he says. "The Shia say
the Sunnis are working with the US and France, even in some cases with
Israel, against Islamic goals. Both views are exaggerated." "The Shia in
Lebanon are genuine Lebanese; no-one can have a suspicion about their
On the other side, the Sunnis were in modern history the people who
allied themselves to the Palestinian resistance against Israel. So I
don't think it will come to a civil war." Meanwhile, most ordinary
Lebanese are fed up with the bickering from the politicians.
"They always fight about silly things," says Ms Deen. "Every one of
them loves Lebanon, but in his way. They could meet and decide what is
best for Lebanon, not to say "Hezbollah is not good", or "the 14th March
is not good". We all love Lebanon." |