by Rikaza Hassan
The Destruction Begins...
Comprised of four songs, the first track, an instrumental, 'Metal
Moju' is a remake of an old Sinhala song. Says Javeen of The Destruction
Begins, "The songs are very different from each other. It's very power
metal, dark, very thrash."
In 'The Destroyer' the heavy influence of Iron Maiden is immediately
obvious to even the first time listener. Apart from the Iron Maidenesque
riffs, the music also shows influences of Stigmata. Paced not too fast,
the composition actually contains quite catchy sections: "We always try
and include catchy parts so that even those uninitiated to the music can
understand what we're saying."

Javeen who penned the lyrics for the songs says he is influenced by
"personal stuff." 'The Destroyer', one of the first songs he wrote, "is
a demonstration of the on-going war in the country, the chaos that the
war causes. I've taken this concept to the future, placed it in a world
of machines."
'Purgatory Of Sinners', my personal favourite, showcases the heavier,
harder side of Tantrum. Kudos to Heshan for his unbelievable way with
the drums throughout.
Presently Tantrum have completed their newest single, 'Bleeding
Compassion' - "a step ahead from what we've done before" and are putting
the finishing touches on their newest offering 'Darkness through your
They celebrated the previous year with the TNL Onstage win, went on
to release their EP: The Destruction Begins in February, but all was not
well in the Tantrum camp. After several line-up changes Tantrum finally
got their act back together, making their debut at the Rock Company 3rd
With Javeen the sole remaining member of the former line-up, the
overhauled foursome are "more focused on the music, more tight and more
complex," according to Javeen. "We're determined to make it, to
ultimately make this our career."
Their music has developed towards the "heavier, more progressive."
"I think we've all grown as individual musicians. At present we play
thrash metal with elements of melodic death." As for their debut as the
all new Tantrum: "the fans were awesome, there was great response. It
was one of the best shows that Tantrum has ever played."
"Our music is aggressive, out there, in your face. It's how we get
our ideas across, make the audience feel what we're saying, let them
identify with at least a portion of what we're saying, connect with
They attribute their new sound and stage presence to "bonding so well
now. We've become more organised, more disciplined." They add further,
"We always look to do crazy stuff. Y'know jumping around, getting down
on our knees, getting in to the crowd. We have these customised t-shirts
with the Tantrum logo that we wear for our shows. Jeans and leather
jackets complete our look."
Tantrum find themselves inspired by bands such as Lamb of God,
Nevermore, Death, Iron Maiden, Arch Enemy and Metallica. As for the
local rock/metal industry, "it's growing," is their opinion. "People now
see that hip-hop is not real anymore. They see that the local bands have
talent, and they respect that."
As for their future, "They say, aim for the skies and you might hit
the top of the trees. The day we open for Iron Maiden is the day we'll
consider ourselves to have made it. Obviously first we've got to build a
fan base here, move to other Asian countries and only then can we have
any hope of making it big internationally."
The boys of Tantrum are currently working on material for an album
which they hope to have ready for release next year. "Please buy our EPs
and contribute towards the process of making our album."
Arjun Dhas (17)
Rhythm guitar/backing vocals
Arjun is one of those lucky guys whose parents actually listened to
the music that he himself liked: "my dad was in to classical rock." The
sibling of Stigmata's bassist, Arjun is a "talented guitarist" and
committed musician who wants to make it big. He is also focusing on
developing his vocal skills as he gets "in to the heavier stuff more."
Akila Peiris (21)
Lead guitar
The oldest in the band, the pint size guitarist is said to be "very
promising," and is a huge fan of Satriani and Steve Wai. The most
intellectually member of the band, he studies electronic engineering at
university level. Akila is said to be the "clean guy" in the band, very
cheery and not known to take things too seriously.
Javeen Soysa (20)
Base guitar/vocals
A committed and demanding leader of the band, Javeen knows exactly
where he wants to go with his music - "make this our career" - and how
to get there - "push yourself to become better." Javeen first became
hooked to metal when he heard Metallica's 'Ride the Lightning' even
though he had been experimenting with music by Drowning Pool and
Disturbed. "I listened to stuff like 'Fade to Black' and 'For Whom the
Bell Tolls' and that was it."
Tharaka Seneviratne (20)
The newest member of Tantrum, Tharaka finds he fits in with his band
mates quite easily. He is currently session playing for Nemesis and
finds it hard being tied up to both bands. |