GCE A/L English Literature - Made Easy - Novel - The Waiting Earth
by Punyakante Wijenaike
Chapter Twenty:
The whole episode reaching a climax the importance and significance
of Sellohamy's words proved. Isabellahamy handing over the school
master's letter to Sellohamy her mother. Lacking experience and proper
education, Isabellahamy develops signs of insanity.
In her eccentric mood she jumps into the well not with the idea of
committing suicide but symbolising her misfortune. Troubles come by the
number Rapiel Appu employing Podisingho's son to brew kasippu, but
fortunately running away before the arrival of the police officers.
Isabella's body is taken out of the well and all the gossiping women
folk expressing their sympathy, speaking words of comfort to Sellohamy
"No tears fell from her eyes no screams of anguish came from her mouth,"
Sellohamy - the symbol of the Waiting Earth suffering silently.
But the girl's father is shaken- Isabellahamy, the symbol of
tenderness - the green mango fruit, tender and not yet matured.
Podisingho's wild attempt to commit suicide - saved by Sellohamy, his
wife, whom he suspected, whom he ill-treated and in her could he take
Chapter Twenty one
This chapter has some significant events. Burning the ashes of
Isabellahamy under the same mango tree where her brother lay. The mango
tree becoming an obsession and the strong attachment of Podisingho and
his wife Sellohamy. Imagination begins to rule Podisingho.
He presumed that he could see his pretty daughter's face on every
fruit. His visit to the Headman proves vague and the woman from the
adjoining village comes to remove the charm creating the Fairy Tale
element to bring justice and peace.
Sellohamy's intelligent view of certain aspects in life is clearly
brought out when she says "However hungry a lion may be he will not be
made to eat grass." Rapiel Appu leaves the village to live in town and
at last Podisingho sees the real image of Rapiel Appu.
Podisingho's family hoping to get a piece of land to call their own
and tenderness reign the whole family, the two sons and the father and
mother unite as one family - a family with love and understanding.
Podisingho's character is victorious. In spite of his illiteracy he is
able to solve the problems and his wife symbolises the Waiting Earth.
Mrs. C. Ekanayake, Retd. Specialist Teacher Englit.,
St. Anne's College, Kurunegala. |