Encourage private investments to grow beyond 20% GDP
Achieving a 7.5% GDP growth with a total investment of 28% is tough.
Therefore why not encourage private investments to grow beyond the
planned 20% of GDP queried Deputy Vice Chairman, Ceylon Chamber of
Commerce Dr. Anura Ekanayaka at the Post Budget seminar held last week.
He said to achieve this objective the investment climate should be
improved substantially while an independent regulator is a must.
According to an international report released a few weeks ago Sri
Lanka has been ranked 89 in the rankings of doing business globally.
These rankings have nothing to do with finances but the investment
The private sector together with the government has a greater
responsibility to improve the investment climate by building a
partnership to eliminate red-tape and bureaucracy which shies the
investors away from our country.
He said that during the period 1996-2005 3.75% of GDP was committed
for medium term economic infrastructure while for next year it has been
increased to 5% but with all the infrastructure projects in the pipeline
will this allocation be sufficient?, he queried.
Some of the other issues, Dr. Ekanayake raised were whether the
proposed deemed dividends tax will inhibit investments, will the new VAT
rules aggravate the delays and impact investments, will the Provincial
Councils introduce too many taxes and will the new loan loss provision
restrict bank lending for risky businesses.
Speaking of CCC expectations, he said, sustain high rates of GDP to
eradicate poverty and unemployment and to achieve these objectives
growth should be spread beyond the confines of the western province.
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