Let's talk about dogs
by Ruwini Jayawardana
Man's best friend, a loyal companion, the perfect playmate... Need I
say more or are these words enough to ring a bell? The dog has been
humanity's oldest companion at work and play for thousands of years. No
animal lover can fail to admire this versatile and enduring creature
with its strong personality, intelligence, and amiable.
The gradual recognition of the many different ways in which the dog
could contribute to the association has led to the development of an
enormous variety of dog types. All varieties of dogs are members of a
single species. It is the most varied of any species known, ranging from
the tiny Chihuahua to the massive Irish wolfhound.
Although every breed of dog is generally expected to be domesticated,
certain type characteristics tend to persist through many generations,
and these are not just characteristics of conformation. For instance, if
you buy a Great Dane puppy of around 8 weeks, it will grow into a very
large dog.
If you buy a terrier of whatever breed, it will have terrier
behaviour characteristics, inherited from its working ancestors.
When you decide to buy a dog, it is essential to look into all the
breed characteristics, consider them carefully, and then decide on what
type of dog is suitable for you and your social background. A dog may
live for between 10 and 20 years. Therefore, it is yours to care for
over a good part of your life.