


Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

Vivekaya - an art exhibition with a difference

Due to a friendly intimation by a friend. I had the good fortune of seeing an exhibition of paintings by Gunasena Gamage and being introduced to the artist as well. Both these were gratifying experiences. The exhibition was held at the Lionel Wendt and was the artist's maiden exhibition. But he is by no means an amateur to the art of painting. He obtained his degree in aesthetic studies from the University of Kelaniya in the 70's decade and at present he is Senior Graphic Artist in the Open University of Sri Lanka. An important and relevant point that ought to be mentioned in connection with the artist and the exhibition is the fact that Gamage's art cannot be separated from the deep interest he takes in moral sciences such as Yoga- the Indian path. Not only does he have knowledge of these sciences but he practices them as a trainer and teacher in the field.

It appears to me that Viveka the exhibition is an exercise in painting with an integrated inner aim. Although it is apparently an exercise in pictorial representation, it is by no means an exercise about pictures. As I see it, the painter tries not so much as to portray an external subject but to define what he has found in the intellectual explorations that have absorbed him over the years. If we consider the work he has exhibited as a whole, it points out that in the middle of today's highly stressed bourgeoisie rat race, rest and retreat are to be achieved at a price, through moral and intellectual effort.

It is evident that the best way to understand and grasp the concepts represented by the artist is to learn move about the artist himself and his intellectual and artistic ambitions as reflected in his simple lifestyle. However his paintings are not closed or limited to narrow interpretations. They are open to a variety of reading. The average spectator too can enjoy those paintings through diverse angles, as in the final analysis the artist employs the frameworks of visual record and language.

In the series of paintings showcased here what is drawn as pictures are in the Indian Hatha Yoga Asana. They are common easy asanas and there are also more difficult ones that need deep learning and experience. In addition to these there is a series of unnamed paintings dealing with other life experiences. Many of them are graphic compositions. Nevertheless these too subscribe to the integrated theme of the exposition. Even these figurative compositions do not bear naturalistic symbols. However they are no less strong in their power to inspire.

It seems to me that Gamage's paintings show an exquisite blend of image and colour composition. At a glance the subject of a series of paintings seem to be just one image. (Hatha Yoga asana painting). Therefore the composite wart, if we were to use a term from music takes a 'solo' effect. But the interaction between the picture and the colour invariably takes an 'orchestral' quality. Most often the spectator's concept of colour agitation and retreat' are weighed until finally the spectator's mind is drawn towards a deeper sensitivity.

Gamage has come before us with a novel theme and a challenge of initiative through this exhibition Viveka.


Gamin Gamata - Presidential Community & Welfare Service
Sri Lanka

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