Feeding the world with hogwash on SL
by Janaka Perera
Last week the Daily News reported Canada's CMR/TVI feeding the Tamil
Diaspora with the blatant falsehood that Sri Lankan Security Forces
opened fire and killed five innocent civilians after the LTTE
assassination attempt on Defence Ministry Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa.
Vilifying Sri Lanka seems to have become a force of habit in some
foreign media organizations in the context of the crisis in the North.
They seem to be reveling in this kind of media distortions that give
Tiger sympathizers a perverted satisfaction. The latest to join this
bandwagon is the Al Jazeera television channel.
There was a time when Al Jazeera earned a reputation for unbiased
reporting after it commenced operations in 1997. This was especially so
in 2003 when it reported the U.S.-British invasion of Iraq, where the
CNN, Fox TV and other Western channels were indirectly promoting the
American agenda.
But lately Al Jazeera has miserably failed to live up to its much
vaunted claim: "Yes we do mirror the truth. Yes, we do connect with our
audience." (The 'Middle East' February 2003).
Deplorably in Sri Lanka's case this TV channel has mirrored nothing
but a blatant falsehood. In fact its bosses should go before a mirror
themselves and see their own nudity. Telecasting a report on Sri Lanka's
child soldiers on November 28 at 11.30 p.m., Al Jazeera's Correspondent
Rajesh Sunderam sounded as if he had descended on this earth from
another planet. There was not a single word on the LTTE's recruitment of
child soldiers - a well-proven fact that has earned international
condemnation. Instead he focused on hearsay - perhaps encouraged by UN's
Tiger sympathizer Allan Rock's wild imaginations and slanders - or with
an ulterior motive. (In less than two weeks of arriving, Rock arrogantly
concluded that Sri Lankan Army is abducting child soldiers to help
Karuna). This gross distortion in the Al Jazeera report aroused much
anger and concern among Sri Lankan expatriates in West Asia.
The real issue here is not whether the Karuna Faction is recruiting
children for combat but the totally unfounded and unsubstantiated
allegation that Sri Lanka's Security Forces are rounding up Tamil
children to be handed over to Karuna. Have the Al Jazeera directors
asked themselves the simple question why Karuna should seek the help of
Government troops to recruit Tamil children from the areas his cadres
operate from? Karuna an experienced ex-Tiger was born and bred in
Eastern Sri Lanka. Is he not therefore in a far better position to do it
rather than Government troops?
Not only does Al Jazeera bosses have no commonsense but have failed
to realize that its correspondent is using Al Jazeera to promote the
Tiger agenda. Have any of these journalists drawn their attention to
Prabhakaran's mindless little brutes who were sent to so-called border
villages, slaughter innocent Sinhala and Muslim civilians and their
children including babies even when they were being breast fed.
The Tigers' recruitment of teenage children has been well-documented.
Yet Al Jazeera has been blind to this well-known fact.
A few years ago the Amnesty International reported the case of an
11-year-old LTTE cadre dashing a Muslim baby against a wall and killing
it while the child's mother screamed. The murderer had later said that
he enjoyed the mother screaming! (Children in South Asia Amnesty
International Index - 04/01/1998- summary of extract from page 38)
A whole generation of such children is now growing up in LTTE
dominated areas. When they do return to civilian life, they are walking
ghosts - damaged, uneducated.
Does the TV channel's management check the credentials of persons
before employing them as correspondents? Will Al Jazeera employ a
pro-Israeli journalist to report on the Middle East?
Coming back to the BBC - better known as the Tigers' European Voice
among patriots here - again proved to the world its highly questionable
credibility on covering Sri Lanka. The BBC's first report on the
December 1 LTTE suicide bomb blast said: `Blast in Sri Lanka injures
defence minister.'
The first mistake was to identify Gotabhaya Rajapaksa as Defence
Minister, whereas it is the President who is in charge of defence. The
second error was the failure to mention that the LTTE's target was the
Defence Ministry Secretary.
Needless to say this is not the first time they have exposed their
pro-Tiger bias. Two days after the Kebithigollewa massacre the BBC
having carried the Tigers' denial of committing the crime fished out
some unknown reporter on June 17 and asked for his opinion on the
claymore mine blast that killed 54 civilians. When the man said that the
explosion had all the hallmarks of the LTTE, the BBC news reader tried
to save the Tigers' image by attempting to put words into the reporter's
"Could it have been an accident - was it an old mine placed during
the war years?" the news reader asked. The reporter, who appeared to be
a Tamil but not scared of LTTE responded with words to the effect that
the Kebithigollewa road was in daily use for over 25 years and nothing
had happened before so it was unlikely to be an accidental blast.Even if
the LTTE massacre's over half of Sri Lanka's population, it will not
make the Tigers terrorists in the BBC's eyes. It will still continue to
call them ``Tamil Tigers fighting to liberate their homeland.
Not surprisingly the NGO anti-war clowns here almost never condemn
these foreign media inaccuracies since such distortions help to boost
the `peace' agendas that advocate least resistance to Tiger terrorism.
Strangely however in response to the assassination attempt on the
Defence Ministry Secretary, we are yet to hear the usual NGO rhetoric:
"Cease offensive operations immediately and get back to the
negotiating table!"
Perhaps they feel it is safer for them to make no such demands from
the government considering the mood of the country. It is these groups
that fuel foreign media double standards on LTTE terrorism. They are the
unseen enemy who is digging the ground right under our feet to make
matters far easier for LTTE propagandists here and abroad.
Will the *Rawaya*, which highlighted several months ago the
Washington-based Foreign Policy magazine listing Sri Lanka as a failed
state, give the same prominence to the Human Rights Watch condemning the
Tigers' HR violations and recruitment of child recruitment or to the
U.S. State Department further extending the ban on the Tiger gangsters
in the U.S.? Will such prominence be given in the so-called alternative
press to Prabhakaran's son and daughter pursuing higher studies abroad,
while poor Tamil youth are brainwashed to go on LTTE suicide missions?
In contrast the President's son has joined the Sri Lanka Navy to do
his duty for his country. But LTTE sympathizers in the South are blind
to all this.
On November 5 the Daily News reported a Sri Lankan woman who made the
outrageous allegation against this country by saying that it stands next
to Darfur and Lebanon as "one of the most dangerous places in the world
for civilians caught up in armed conflict".
She is the same woman that accuses the Sri Lanka Government of a
fascist regime. We wonder how she can make such allegations openly and
demonstrate against the government if this country is a fascist state.
But she has made no such accusations against the real fascist regime in
the Wanni under the `Sun God' Prabhakaran convicted mass murderer wanted
by the Indian Government and the Interpol. We all know that she is
working overtime to get the United Nations declare Sri Lanka a failed
state and invite direct foreign intervention.
Any Sri Lankan journal, radio or TV channel that attempts to pursue a
`neutral' policy on LTTE terrorism here has to be publicly treated as an
organization serving the Tiger needs and thereby undermining national
security. How can any citizen be neutral with any group trying to
dismember his/her country?
There ought to be absolutely NO freedom to any Sri Lankan citizen to
express sympathy for those who try to bisect the country and establish a
totalitarian rogue state that recognizes no freedom of expression. Such
sympathizers should be banished to Tiger held areas at least for the
time being.
The problem with some local journalists here is that they tend to
forget that first they are Sri Lankan citizens and media personnel only