Prevent terrorism: What public should do
Overall Operational Commander on prevent terrorism in the Western
Province Major General Lawrence Fernando urged the people to assist
three security forces personnel and the police in their untiring effort
to prevent terrorism and maintain law and order in the province.
He outlined the following measures:
People aiding and abetting terrorists or their proxies would also be
dealt with under the new regulations.
* Carry your National Identity Card or other documents to prove your
* Do not park vehicles in unauthorised places,
* Do not transport strangers in private vehicles,
* Form vigilant committees in the areas to observe the movement of
strangers in your residential or commercial areas, and whenever such
person or vehicle is spotted, inform the police emergency numbers,
* Be vigilant of bidders who offer exorbitant prices for property,
vehicles or houses rent, check the identity of such people,
* Be alert about taxis or three wheelers who are in an unusual hurry,
move away without collecting the balance taxi fare,
* Do not collect or open unattended parcels or any such objects, and
inform the authorities of such things if found,
* Do not send scary and rumour SMS messages,
* Do not sell security information to terrorists,
* Inform the authorities about suspicious people,
* Come forward to give eye witness after any incident even
* Do not rush to places of incidents which pose inconvenience to the
investigators and delete vital evidence,
* Be aware of the high security zones and try to avoid them,
* Avoid places where incidents occurred and those living in the high
security zone should bear the inconvenience for the safety of the
* Be alert about neighbours who change their lifestyle suddenly and
claim cushy items and vehicles,
* Do not loiter in public places or roam along the streets in the
city and the suburbs,
* Cooperate with security forces at checkpoints,
* Register your domestic servants, new recruits at your working place
especially construction workers, hotel helpers etc with the nearest
police station or try to get a police report before you recruit them,
* Allow VIP motorcades to pass freely, and if you are bound to the
same place go early,
* Three wheelers and motor cyclists should not try to ride close to
the VVIP motorcades and overtake them.
And most importantly do not listen or spread rumours.