A brief analysis of LTTE's auxiliary forces
Analysis by International Center for Strategic
Defense (ICSD)
The greatest of all Western writers on war, Karl von Clausewitz once
said, "War is the continuation of politics by other means". The reverse
of this seems to be true with strategies of the Liberation Tigers of
Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in Sri Lanka because, most of the key achievements of
the same had been accomplished through politics and not by war.
Figure 1. Centralised auxiliary organisation
Figure 2. De-centralised
auxiliary organisation
Area Command
Auxiliary Regional Command
Auxiliary County Command
Auxiliary County Command
Auxiliary District Commands
Auxiliary District Commands
Local Auxiliary Units |
Area Command
Auxiliary County
Command Auxiliary County Command
Auxiliary District Commands
Although so called 'peace attempts' were used to strengthen the
military capacity, in the decade long blood soaked struggle, LTTE's
ultimate achievement had been the Cease Fire Agreement (CFA) in year
The CFA "officially" recognized and persuaded other parties to accept
that, in territorially integral Sri Lanka, there are lands under LTTE
control extending from Omanthai to Muhamalei, which includes entire
Mulaithivu and Killinochchi districts and parts of Mannar and Vavunia
districts. Further, both Sri Lankan Army (SLA) and the LTTE had to
remain in position as they were on December 2001.
Ironically, there were areas not clearly defined, which each party
claimed as their own. Whilst 'peace talks' were progressing, LTTE as
usually continued to procure military hardware, gather intelligence,
continued to kill Sri Lanka Army (SLA) informants and LTTE's political
Severe risk
United National Front Government, the co-party to CFA did not want to
infringe the same and kept a blind eye on these serious happenings. This
was a bonanza for the LTTE especially at a time when the lives of its
leaders were at severe risk due to high profile covert operations
carried-out by SLA deep penetration units named LRRP.
This honeymoon ended with the break-away of their Eastern leader
Vinayagamurthi Muralitharan alias 'Colonel Karuna' with reasonable
number of cadres and weaponry. Mainstream or Wanni fraction LTTE, who
always opted to be the sole representative of Tamils in SL, did not wish
to see emergence of another sector with similar characteristics and
dispatched their killer groups hoping to achieve same success as with
earlier sects i.e. TELO, EPDP & EPRLF. Karuna fraction [now named Thamil
Makkal Viduthalei Pulihal (TMVP) offered tough resistance to the
elimination attempts by Wanni LTTE, at times, with the assistance and
knowledge of the SLA. These happenings left Wanni LTTE in a very
vulnerable position.
According to global military literature, Vietcong
who fought Americans and the Chinese Red Army at the time of the
revolution had more loosely structured
auxiliaries. It is the same in Iraq now. A loose structure is more
suitable & practical when the enemy is comparatively stronger and
the terrain is challenging. In addition to fighting the militant
movement, auxiliaries are also used in the
following major areas:
1. Gathering intelligence
2. As a security and warning
3. As vital links in the
supply chain
4. To support recruitments
5. For counter-intelligence
6. For psychological warfare
& propaganda
7. For civilian control
8. For evasion and escape
For the first time in many years, LTTE was forced to defend their own
strongholds and was "boxed" to limited areas severely affecting
day-to-day activities especially in Eastern Theatre.
The innovative invention was 'Makkal Padei' (MPd) or people's
uprising front. The 'Makkal Padei' consists of young and old, male and
female many forcefully and some volunteered and mainly from North &
Auxiliary types and MPd
Active support from majority civilian population and passive support
from the rest is the key to the success of any militant movement.
Auxiliary forces provide for and organize civilian support to the
militant movement and mostly consist of occasional supporters and rarely
hardcore groups. Auxiliary forces are characterized by their location,
organization and modes operandi.
Technically, auxiliaries are supposed to be local and static, yet,
there were reported instances where MPd had operated well away from
their own areas depending on the needs. Normally auxiliaries are
organized to coincide or in parallel to the existing administrative
divisions and which ensures all the areas are covered and no places left
Basically there are centralised (Figure 1) and de-centralised (Figure
2) auxiliary structures and the MPd structure is strongly centralised.
In his exceptional military classic, The Vietcong Insurrection Manual
for Underdeveloped Countries, General Vo Nguyen Giap enumerates almost
all above said uses. According to him "they protected the people and
their property, frustrated the enemy's scheme to use war to feed war and
use Vietnamese to fight Vietnamese and they were the shock force in
production and in transport and supply".
It is clear and logical for different militant movements around the
world to use the auxiliaries for different strategic purposes. LTTE also
have been using the MP explicitly to fulfill their strategic objectives.
Continued next week