Star trek of the jumbos
Lagna Tharupenena was at it again. He was up on his roof, probing the
skies with his hand-held telescope. "What are you looking for so
eagerly; is there a new comet in the sky?" I asked.
"No, I'm looking for a new planet." "Have the astronomers'
organisations said anything about the discovery of a new planet? I
thought they had even down sized Pluto?"
"One doesn't have to wait for reports from astronomers; with all this
talk of green elephants crossing over to greener pastures in the blue
camp, there must be new activity among the planets, and I'm not the only
person studying their movements these days," said Lagna.
When I dropped in at the Thaaraka Nakshathra's "Planet Clinic" I
learnt truth of what Lagna Tharupenena said. There was a queue of people
waiting to get their horoscopes read, and Thaaraka had just done an
upward revision of his fee. "It's all a matter of supply and demand," he
"Who are these people so keen to get their horoscopes read?" "They
are mainly politicians. There are also the family members and close
friends of politicians, as well as high officials and many catchers of
politicians. I tell you this cross-over fever is spreading even faster
than chikungunya, and it's causing a lot of mental pain to those
affected." "But why the worry; surely those who have decided to
cross-over know all about it."
"It's not that simple. Even those who have decided to do the leap are
eager to know when the barrier will be lowered. They also want to know
the best timing for the leap, for it to have the best effect. It's all
in their stars. Then there are the catchers, hangers-on and high
officials who are affected by this cross-overgunya. Don't forget that a
Cabinet shuffle is also on the cards. So all these people want to know
what the Cabinet changes will mean for them. It's a chain reaction that
can only be properly studied from the position of their planets." My
next stop was at Handahan Gedera where Grahacharya Velapathkada was
holding court.
There was rush of eager clients there too. "It looks as if the
astrologers and light-foretellers are having a whale of a time," I said.
"It's not unusual during times of political change. Everyone wants to
know what the planets hold for them, especially when there is the
possibility of new political stars shining in the firmament. But there
is a major threat facing us these days," said Velapathkada.
"Who or what can threaten you with such interest in what the stars
foretell? I asked.
"As usual it's from India. All those who can afford it are getting
their horoscopes read in India. I tell you there are planeloads of
people going to India these days to get to know more about their future,
and the various Shanti Karma and other means of avoiding the malefic
influence of their planets or those of others in their families. This is
a big threat. I think the government should take this up officially with
India. Astrology is not included in the Indo-Lanka Free Trade Agreement.
We must put a stop to this, or else we will soon lose a very profitable
industry that contributes much to the GDP," said Velapathkada.
I next met Dr. Nakshathra Deshapala who specialized in studying the
impact of the planets on politics and politicians. "Do you think Ranil
Alirajah will be able to stop this threatened walk out from his stable?"
"You will be surprised to know that even some of those who have already
weighed in to tip the scale in favour of the cross-over are also asking
this question. But from my reading of the stars, he has far too much
graha apala just now, to be able to stop this. There is now a formidable
line up of the planets in favour of those who change sides for their own
good. The House of Invitation is governed by Jupiter. Sikuru or Venus
will be there to guide those who come over." "But, what about the MoU?"
"What about it. It will remain in place. What we are seeing is a MoU
that is being written in the heavens. You can call it a Star Trek MoU.
Nothing else can prevail against it. But talking of cross-overs,
Alirajah must not forget history," said Nakshathra.
"Why do you say that?" "Well so far it has been the UNP that has
benefited most from cross-overs. Remember that great betrayal led by C.P.
de Silva, manoeuvred by his father in 1965.
The cross-over was to the UNP. The other big jump on 2001 led by
Sakala Banda was what brought down the then PA government and helped him
win the next election. The stars were then on their side. He is no
stranger to astrology. I'm sure the Indian consultants to whom our
politicians rush when in trouble would have told him what to expect.
It's a star trek by the jumbos. When stars and big elephants are in
conjunction, who or what can stop the heavy movement?
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