Reaction to new Congress and new Iraq policy
The international media are reacting with interest to the new
Democratic Congress and the first woman Speaker of the House of
Representatives, but with skepticism to President Bush's new strategy
for Iraq.

In his address to the nation, President Bush has announced he will
additional troops to Iraq to help break the cycle of violence in
that country . |
The President has called for an increase of more than 20,000 American
troops, but Congressional Democrats are signaling that they will oppose
his plan. Mr. Bush's new strategy also includes a $1 billion economic
package for Iraq as well as benchmarks for the government of Prime
Minister Nouri al-Maliki.
Much of the media reaction in Europe has been positive toward the new
Congress, but skeptical toward the President's plan to win the war in
Iraq by increasing U.S. troop levels. Philippe Gelie, U.S. bureau chief
for Le Figaro, says people in France see the new Democratic-led Congress
primarily as a new counterweight for President Bush's tendency to "stay
the course" in Iraq.
Speaking with host Judith Latham of VOA News Now's International
Press Club, Mr. Gelie notes that it will take "a lot of political
courage" to force the President to change the course. But Nadia Bilbassy,
senior correspondent with Al-Arabiya television, says people in the Arab
world believe that with a new Democratic Congress President Bush will no
longer have carte blanche in Iraq.
However, she doubts that Congress will be able to alter the new Iraq
strategy because ultimately it is the President who makes foreign policy
decisions. Nonetheless, people in the Arab world welcome the questioning
of U.S. policy in Iraq and many are pleased that the House of
Representatives will be led by Nancy Pelosi, the first woman in U.S.
history to be chosen Speaker.
Matthias Rueb, Washington bureau chief of the Frankfurter Allgemeine
Zeitung, says people in Germany seriously question whether the new
Congress can dramatically change the course of Iraq policy.
But they are "quite amazed" that, contrary to the strong signal that
the November mid-terms elections would be the "beginning of the end of
the war in Iraq," President Bush has announced that there will be a
"surge" of U.S. troops rather than a gradual withdrawal. Mr. Rueb says
most Germans view the war in Iraq as a "lost cause" and think President
Bush is now trying to "delay the inevitable."
U.S. editor of The Times of London Gerard Baker says the British are
also "surprised" that President Bush would decide to increase U.S. troop
levels after the results of the mid-term elections.
And he notes that the British government earlier endorsed the report
of the Iraq Study Group calling for a gradual withdrawal of U.S. troops
from Iraq, "diplomatic engagement" with Iran and Syria, and "further
progress" on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Mr. Baker says that, although there was probably "some
disappointment" that President Bush argly ignored those recommendations,
the official reaction of the British government was "fully supportive"
of the new policy.
Nadia Bilbassy says most people in the Arab world doubt that "fixing
Iraq" is even possible at this stage. Although more U.S. troops might
temporarily change the level of violence in Baghdad, she says, the surge
will not help in the long term.
Ms. Bilbassy says people welcome the U.S. offer of $1 billion to
revitalize the Iraqi economy, but she warns that objective cannot be
achieved without security.
People are also pleased, she says, with the appointment of veteran
diplomat Ryan Crocker as the new U.S. ambassador to Iraq, and she notes
that he is fluent in Arabic and has previously served as ambassador to
several other Arab countries. But, Nadia Bilbassy says, most people
doubt the Bush administration will be able to revive the
Israeli-Palestinian peace process, which they believe is key to progress
in the Middle East.